Module openj9.dtfj

Interface IDTFJContext

    • Method Detail

      • getMajorVersion

        int getMajorVersion()
        The major version of the DTFJ API for this context.
        major version number
      • getMinorVersion

        int getMinorVersion()
        The minor version of the DTFJ API for this context.
        minor version number
      • getAddressSpace

        ImageAddressSpace getAddressSpace()
        The address space for this context. This may or may not contain any processes.
        the image address space
      • getProcess

        ImageProcess getProcess()
        The process for this context. A process may or may not contain a Java runtime.
      • getRuntime

        JavaRuntime getRuntime()
        The Java runtime for this context.
        the runtime or null if there is no runtime available
      • getImage

        DTFJImageBean getImage()
        A simple Java bean which allows access to the data on DTFJ image interface. This removes the requirement to provide a command/plugin with a direct reference to the Image.
        the bean
      • hasPropertyBeenSet

        boolean hasPropertyBeenSet​(String name)
        Used to determine if a property has been set in the context property bag, and that the value of that property is TRUE
        name - property name to check
        true if the property exists and Boolean.parseValue() returns true