Module openj9.dtfj

Interface IContext

    • Method Detail

      • getProperties

        Properties getProperties()
        A set of defined properties. This typically includes information not on the DTFJ API, but may be useful for plugin processing e.g. a logging level. Tools such as jdmpview which provide not only the execution harness but some in-built commands use properties to pass information to commands.
        properties that have currently been set
      • isCommandRecognised

        boolean isCommandRecognised​(String command)
        Allows to check if the given command will be executed (i.e. if there is a command that will accept the string) without actually executing it, avoiding error messages etc.
        command - - just the actual command WITHOUT ARGUMENTS
      • execute

        void execute​(String cmdline,
                     String[] arguments,
                     PrintStream out)
        Execute the entered command line with the output sent to the supplied print stream.
        cmdline - line to execute
        out - where to write the output to
      • execute

        void execute​(String cmdline,
                     PrintStream out)
        Execute the entered command line with the output sent to the supplied print stream.
        cmdline - line to execute
        out - where to write the output to
      • execute

        void execute​(CommandParser command,
                     PrintStream out)
        Execute the entered command line with the output sent to the supplied print stream.
        command -
        out -
      • getPluginClassloader

        PluginLoader getPluginClassloader()
        Gets the classloader which has been used to add plugins. This is typically done to add new plugins at runtime or refresh the existing list.
        the classloader
      • refresh

        void refresh()
        Refreshes the context, this will perform actions such as rescanning the plugin path or other initialization tasks.
      • getCommands

        List<ICommand> getCommands()
        Returns a list of commands which are available for this context
      • getLastExecutedCommand

        ICommand getLastExecutedCommand()
        The last command which was successfully executed by the context.
        the command or null if none have been executed or the command threw an exception
      • getLastCommandException

        Exception getLastCommandException()
        Provides access to any uncaught exceptions thrown when the last command was executed.
        the exception or null of no uncaught exceptions were thrown