Module openj9.dtfj

Interface ImageAddressSpace

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    ImageAddressSpace, J9DDRImageAddressSpace, JCImageAddressSpace

    public interface ImageAddressSpace

    Represents a single address space within the image.

    On some operating systems (e.g. z/OS), there can be more than one address space per core file and more than one process per address space.

    • Method Detail

      • getCurrentProcess

        ImageProcess getCurrentProcess()
        Get the process within this address space that caused the image to be created.
        the process within this address space which caused the image to be created, if any. Return null if no individual process triggered the creation of the image.
      • getProcesses

        Iterator getProcesses()
        Get the set of processes within the address space.
        an iterator which provides all of the processes within a given address space.
        See Also:
        ImageProcess, CorruptData
      • getByteOrder

        ByteOrder getByteOrder()
        Return the byte order of this address space.
        the byte order of this address space
      • getPointer

        ImagePointer getPointer​(long address)
        A factory method for creating pointers into this address space.
        address - the address to point to.
        an ImagePointer for the specified address.
      • getImageSections

        Iterator getImageSections()
        Get the raw memory in the address space.
        An iterator of all the ImageSections in the address. Their union will be the total process address space.
        See Also:
      • getProperties

        Properties getProperties()
        Gets the OS specific properties for this address space.
        a set of OS specific properties