Class ClassInfo


public class ClassInfo extends Object
Information about the structural aspects of a class such as the annotations found and interfaces supported.
  • Constructor Details

    • ClassInfo

      public ClassInfo(String classname, URL url)
  • Method Details

    • getInterfaces

      public List<String> getInterfaces()
    • addInterface

      public void addInterface(String iface)
    • getAnnotations

      public List<Annotation> getAnnotations()
    • hasInterface

      public boolean hasInterface(Class<?> iface)
    • hasInterface

      public boolean hasInterface(String iface)
    • hasAnnotation

      public boolean hasAnnotation(String classname)
    • getAnnotation

      public Annotation getAnnotation(String classname)
    • addAnnotation

      public Annotation addAnnotation(String classname)
      Adds an annotation to the list
      classname - class name for the annotation
      a new annotation if it did previously not exist, otherwise a new one is created
    • getClassname

      public String getClassname()
    • getURL

      public URL getURL()
    • getSuperclass

      public String getSuperclass()
    • setSuperclass

      public void setSuperclass(String superclass)