Interface ICommand

  • Method Details

    • recognises

      boolean recognises(String command, IContext context)
      Method used by an interactive engine to decide whether this command matches the command passed in by the user
      command - Command string entered by user. e.g. !j9x or info class
      context - Current context
      True if this command object can process the supplied command, commands should not assume that returning true will guarantee a subsequent invocation
    • run

      void run(String command, String[] args, IContext context, PrintStream out) throws CommandException
      Executes the command
      command - Command string e.g. !j9x
      args - Arguments for command
      context - Context to work in
      out - PrintStream to write command output on
      CommandException - If there is any problem running the command (incorrect usage, CorruptData etc.)
    • getCommandDescriptions

      Collection<String> getCommandDescriptions()
      Strings to be inserted in help output
    • getCommandNames

      Collection<String> getCommandNames()
      Strings containing command names
    • getConfig

      PluginConfig getConfig()
      Identifies the configuration from which this command was created.
      configuration for this command