Class DTFJContext


public class DTFJContext extends Object
Represents the current context under which DTFJ is being used. This will identify the AddressSpace, Process and RunTime under which operations are being carried out
  • Field Details

    • J9DataTypeExceptionInfo

      public static final long J9DataTypeExceptionInfo
      See Also:
    • J9DataTypeHashTable

      public static final long J9DataTypeHashTable
      See Also:
    • J9DataTypeRelocationData

      public static final long J9DataTypeRelocationData
      See Also:
    • J9DataTypeStackAtlas

      public static final long J9DataTypeStackAtlas
      See Also:
    • J9DataTypeThunkMappingData

      public static final long J9DataTypeThunkMappingData
      See Also:
    • J9DataTypeThunkMappingList

      public static final long J9DataTypeThunkMappingList
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • DTFJContext

      public DTFJContext()
  • Method Details

    • getProcess

      public static IProcess getProcess()
    • getVm

      public static getVm()
    • getImagePointer

      public static J9DDRImagePointer getImagePointer(long address)
    • getImageSection

      public static J9DDRImageSection getImageSection(long address, String name)
    • getLogger

      public static Logger getLogger()
      Convenience method to ensure that all DTFJ components log in the same way
    • getThreadInfoCache

      public static List<J9VMThreadPointerUtil.ThreadInfo> getThreadInfoCache() throws CorruptDataException
    • setRuntime

      public static void setRuntime(DTFJJavaRuntime r)
    • getRuntime

      public static DTFJJavaRuntime getRuntime()
    • getJITMetaData

      public static List<> getJITMetaData( j9ramMethod)
    • setImageProcess

      public static void setImageProcess(J9DDRImageProcess process)
    • getImageProcess

      public static J9DDRImageProcess getImageProcess()