Class Scalar

Direct Known Subclasses:
IScalar, UScalar, Void

public abstract class Scalar extends DataType
  • Field Details

    • data

      protected long data
    • bitsPerBytes

      protected static final int bitsPerBytes
      See Also:
    • bitsPerLong

      protected static final int bitsPerLong
      See Also:
    • toStringPattern

      protected String toStringPattern
  • Constructor Details

    • Scalar

      public Scalar(long value)
    • Scalar

      public Scalar(Scalar value)
    • Scalar

      public Scalar()
  • Method Details

    • byteValue

      public byte byteValue()
    • shortValue

      public short shortValue()
    • intValue

      public int intValue()
    • longValue

      public long longValue()
    • getHexValue

      public String getHexValue()
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object parameter)
      This is a class based equals. Objects can only be equal if they are the same class. It is meant for use with Hash based collections. I.E. U16.equals(I16) is never true, regardless of the values represented by the objects. For mathematical equality use .eq(Scalar)
      equals in class Object
      parameter - Object the object to compare with this object.
      boolean true if the object is the same as this object false if it is different from this object.
      See Also:
    • eq

      public boolean eq(Scalar parameter)
    • eq

      public boolean eq(long parameter)
    • checkComparisonValid

      protected void checkComparisonValid(Scalar parameter)
    • gt

      public boolean gt(int parameter)
    • gt

      public boolean gt(long parameter)
    • lt

      public boolean lt(int parameter)
    • lt

      public boolean lt(long parameter)
    • isZero

      public boolean isZero()
    • gt

      public boolean gt(Scalar parameter)
    • gte

      public boolean gte(Scalar parameter)
    • lt

      public boolean lt(Scalar parameter)
    • lte

      public boolean lte(Scalar parameter)
    • convertBytesToSlots

      public static UDATA convertBytesToSlots(UDATA size)
    • convertSlotsToBytes

      public static UDATA convertSlotsToBytes(UDATA size)
    • roundToSizeofUDATA

      public static UDATA roundToSizeofUDATA(UDATA value)
    • roundToSizeToObjectReference

      public static UDATA roundToSizeToObjectReference(UDATA value)
    • roundToSizeofU32

      public static UDATA roundToSizeofU32(UDATA value)
    • roundToSizeofU64

      public static UDATA roundToSizeofU64(UDATA value)
    • roundToSizeToFJ9object

      public static UDATA roundToSizeToFJ9object(UDATA value)
    • roundTo

      protected static UDATA roundTo(UDATA value, long size)
    • allBitsIn

      public final boolean allBitsIn(long bitmask)
    • anyBitsIn

      public boolean anyBitsIn(long bitmask)
    • maskAndCompare

      public boolean maskAndCompare(long bitmask, long compareValue)
    • signBitSet

      protected boolean signBitSet()
    • sizeof

      public abstract int sizeof()
    • isSigned

      public abstract boolean isSigned()