
  • Class
    This is the superclass of a variety of subclasses which provide hash map functionality using integer keys rather than objects.
    This class is the superclass of the LRU cache classes.
    This class provides a compact representation of an array of sparse bit sets.
    This class provides a mechanism for writing and reading numbers in a bit stream.
    This class provides some handy character conversion methods
    This class represents an array of records which are stored in a compressed format whilst still allowing random access to them.
    This interface represents a zSeries emulator.
    This class represents one of the branch relative family of instructions.
    This interface is implemented by users who want to receive branch trace events.
    Call back interface used by Emulator to call user registered function.
    This interface represents a mutable address space.
    The base class of all instructions.
    This interface is implemented by users who want to receive trace events.
    This class represents an exception thrown when opening a dump with an unrecognized format.
    Useful utility class that just implements an array of integers that can be sorted.
    This class provides an LRU (Least Recently Used) cache which maps integer keys to int values.
    This is a simple class to map one integer to another but without the overhead of using a Hashtable.
    This is a lightweight class to hold a set of integer values.
    This class implements a simple stack of integers.
    This interface is just like that of java.util.Enumeration except that it adds the ability to enumerate integer values rather than incur the overhead of allocating Integer objects.
    Similar to IntegerArray but for longs.
    This class provides an empty iterator with no elements.
    This class provides an LRU (Least Recently Used) cache which maps integer keys to object values.
    This is a simple class to map an integer key to an object value.
    Superclass of IntegerArray and LongArray
    This class is used to provide feedback on progress for long running (eg greater than one second) tasks.
    This class provides an iterator with a single element.
    This class represents a single template as defined in a template xml file.
    This class represents one field of a template.