Class Caa


public class Caa extends Object
This class represents the LE view of an MVS Tcb. Caa stands for "Common Anchor Area" and this structure is the starting point for all the other LE structures. For programs written in C, this is the most useful thread view because it gives access to the C stack.
  • Constructor Details

    • Caa

      public Caa(Tcb tcb) throws
      Create a new Caa from the given Tcb. Note that not all Tcbs have a Caa associated with them.
      Throws: - if there is no Caa associated with this Tcb.
  • Method Details

    • getCaas

      public static Caa[] getCaas(AddressSpace space)
      Returns an array containing all of the Caas in the given AddressSpace
    • getCaas

      public static Caa[] getCaas(AddressSpace space, Edb edb)
      Returns an array containing all of the Caas in the given AddressSpace and which belong to the given enclave (or all if enclave is null).
    • is64bit

      public boolean is64bit()
      Returns true if this is a 64-bit CAA.
    • whereFound

      public String whereFound()
      Returns a string indicating where the registers were found. This is mainly for debugging purposes.
    • getFailingRegisters

      public RegisterSet getFailingRegisters()
      the failing registers or null if this is not a failing thread. Currently only return registers found in RTWA/RTM2.
    • getRegisters

      public RegisterSet getRegisters()
      the set of registers at the top of the stack (may be the same as getFailingRegisters!)
    • getCurrentFrame

      public DsaStackFrame getCurrentFrame()
      Get the current (ie top) stack frame for this thread.
      the current stack frame or null if there is no stack
    • getPthreadId

      public long getPthreadId() throws IOException
      Get the pthread id for this thread. This is the double word id returned to pthread_create when the thread was created.
    • hasFailed

      public boolean hasFailed()
      Returns true if this thread failed (ie crashed, abended, has gone to meet its maker).
    • getRegisterSet

      public RegisterSet getRegisterSet()
      Returns the RegisterSet for a failed thread. This will return null if the thread did not fail. In general, registers are only available (or at least only useful) for a failed thread.
    • getEdb

      public Edb getEdb()
      Returns the EDB (Enclave Data Block) for this Caa.
    • address

      public long address()
      Returns the address of this Caa.
    • space

      public AddressSpace space()
      Returns the AddressSpace we belong to
    • getTcb

      public Tcb getTcb()
      Returns the Tcb we are associated with.
    • ceecaalevel

      public int ceecaalevel() throws IOException
      Returns the CEL level identifier.
      IOException - if an error occurred reading from the address space
    • ceecaa_stackdirection

      public int ceecaa_stackdirection() throws IOException
      Returns the stack direction, either 0 (up) or 1 (down). Should only be called if the LE level is 13 or greater.
      IOException - if an error occurred reading from the address space
    • ceecaasmcb

      public long ceecaasmcb() throws IOException
      Returns the address of the storage manager control block.
      IOException - if an error occurred reading from the address space
    • ceecaarcb

      public long ceecaarcb() throws IOException
      Returns the address of the region control block.
      IOException - if an error occurred reading from the address space
    • ceecaa_stackfloor

      public long ceecaa_stackfloor() throws IOException
      Returns the stackfloor.
      IOException - if an error occurred reading from the address space
    • ceecaavba

      public long ceecaavba() throws IOException
      Returns the address of the thread value block anchor
      IOException - if an error occurred reading from the address space
    • ceecaatcs

      public long ceecaatcs() throws IOException
    • pthread_getspecific_d8_np

      public long pthread_getspecific_d8_np(long key) throws IOException
      Searches thread value blocks for key matching the input key and returns the thread specific data associated with the specified key for the current thread. If no thread specific data has been set for key, Zero is returned.
    • ceecaaddsa

      public long ceecaaddsa()
      Returns the address of the dummy dsa. This is used to indicate the bottom of the stack.
    • ceecaaedb

      public long ceecaaedb() throws IOException
      Returns the address of the enclave data block.
      IOException - if an error occurred reading from the address space
    • ceecaaerrcm

      public long ceecaaerrcm() throws IOException
      Returns the address of the hcom.
      IOException - if an error occurred reading from the address space