Class DumpMemorySource

All Implemented Interfaces:
IMemoryRange, IMemorySource, Comparable<IMemoryRange>
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class DumpMemorySource extends ProtectedMemoryRange implements IMemorySource
Memory range backed by an AbstractCoreReader
  • Constructor Details

    • DumpMemorySource

      protected DumpMemorySource(DumpMemorySource d)
    • DumpMemorySource

      public DumpMemorySource(long baseAddress, long size, long fileOffset, AbstractCoreReader reader)
    • DumpMemorySource

      public DumpMemorySource(long baseAddress, long size, long fileOffset, AbstractCoreReader reader, boolean shared, boolean readOnly, boolean executable)
    • DumpMemorySource

      public DumpMemorySource(long baseAddress, long size, long fileOffset, int addressSpaceId, AbstractCoreReader reader, String name)
    • DumpMemorySource

      public DumpMemorySource(long baseAddress, long size, long fileOffset, int addressSpaceId, AbstractCoreReader reader, String name, boolean shared, boolean readOnly, boolean executable)
  • Method Details

    • getAddressSpaceId

      public int getAddressSpaceId()
      Specified by:
      getAddressSpaceId in interface IMemoryRange
      Address space ID that this range belongs to.
    • getBytes

      public int getBytes(long address, byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) throws MemoryFault
      Description copied from interface: IMemorySource
      Reads data from the memory range
      Specified by:
      getBytes in interface IMemorySource
      address - Starting address
      buffer - Buffer to read into
      offset - Offset in buffer to write to
      length - Number of bytes to read
      Bytes read
    • getFileOffset

      public long getFileOffset()
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Specified by:
      getName in interface IMemoryRange
      Name of this range (e.g. .text or stack), or null if range is unnamed.