Interface ILineRule

All Known Implementing Classes:
ClassLoaderLineRule, LineRule, MonitorObjectLineRule, NativeStackTraceLineRule, PointerSizeLineRule, StackTraceLineRule, ThreadInfoLineRule

public interface ILineRule
Parses a string source pertaining to a tag line from a javacore, and returns a map of tokens, where the token type (java.lang.String) is the key and token value (java.lang.String)is the value. The Line Rule is generally referenced internally by the framework, so the subtype implementers don't need to worry about where a line rule is being used. All that needs to be done is implementing the logic of how to parse a string, and how to generate the tokens.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    parseLine(String source, int lineNumber, int startingOffset)
  • Method Details

    • parseLine

      IAttributeValueMap parseLine(String source, int lineNumber, int startingOffset)
      source - to parse
      lineNumber - on disk of the source line
      startingOffset - of the line on disk.
      map of the tokens where token type is the key (java.lang.String), and token value the java.lang.String value.