Interface JavaRuntimeMemoryCategory

All Known Implementing Classes:
DTFJJavaRuntimeMemoryCategory, JCJavaRuntimeMemoryCategory

public interface JavaRuntimeMemoryCategory

Represents a category of native memory allocated by the Java runtime.

A category is a high-level grouping of memory allocations such as "Threads", "Classes" or "Java Heap".

Some Java runtime implementations use categories to track native memory use in the JRE.

Categories can have child categories and form a hierarchy.

The getShallow* methods return the allocation data for just this category. The getDeep* methods return the allocation data for this category and all its child categories.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Gets iterator of child categories.
    Gets number of allocations recorded against this category, and all children of this category.
    Gets number of bytes recorded against this category, and all children of this category.
    getMemorySections(boolean includeFreed)
    Gets iterator of memory sections allocated against this category.
    Gets the name of this category.
    Gets number of allocations recorded against this category.
    Gets number of bytes allocated under this category.