Interface ImageRegister

All Known Implementing Classes:
ImageRegister, J9DDRImageRegister, JCImageRegister

public interface ImageRegister
Represents the state of a CPU or FPU register
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Get the name of the register.
    Get the value of the register.
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      Get the name of the register.
      The conventional name of the register
    • getValue

      Number getValue() throws CorruptDataException
      Get the value of the register.
      An integral or floating point type which contains the value of the register. The returned value may be an instance of any subclass of Number. On 32-bit and 31-bit platforms the value is usually an Integer, and on 64-bit platforms the value is usually a Long. On x86 architectures with MMX, the XMM registers are returned as BigInteger.