
  • Class
    Represents the basic J9RAS structure found in all Java versions U_8 eyecatcher[8]; U_32 bitpattern1; U_32 bitpattern2; I_32 version; I_32 length;
    A J9RAS fragment contains the VM version specific offsets which are required to successfully parse a J9RAS structure.
    Represents the J9RAS structure prior to SR10.
    Represents the J9RAS structure from Java 5 SR10 when TID and PID fields were added to the RAS structure Java 5 32 bit : length = 0x120, version = 0x10000 TID + PID, No J9DDR Java 5 64 bit : length = 0x158, version = 0x10000 TID + PID, No J9DDR
    Represents the J9RAS structure starting from Java 5 SR12 which contains the DDR blob pointer Java 5 32 bit : length = 0x128, version = 0x20000 TID+PID+DDR Java 5 64 bit : length = 0x160, version = 0x20000 TID+PID+DDR
    Represents the J9RAS structure prior to SR5.
    Represents the J9RAS structure from Java 6 SR06 when TID and PID fields were added to the RAS structure Java 6 32 bit : length = 0x240, version = 0x10000 PID+TID, No DDR Java 6 64 bit : length = 0x278, version = 0x10000 PID+TID, No DDR
    Represents the J9RAS structure starting from Java 6 SR09 which contains the DDR blob pointer Java 6 32 bit : length = 0x248, version = 0x20000 TID+PID+DDR Java 6 64 bit : length = 0x280, version = 0x20000 TID+PID+DDR
    Represents the J9RAS structure starting from Java 7 GA and Java6 SR10, which contains the longer hostname string Java 6 32 bit : length = 0x328, version = 0x30000 TID+PID+DDR + long hostname Java 6 64 bit : length = 0x360, version = 0x30000 TID+PID+DDR + long hostname
    Memory adapter which removes the need for a component to know the address space ID that it is working with.