Class CudaPermission

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Guard

public final class CudaPermission extends BasicPermission
This class defines CUDA permissions as described in the following table.
CUDA Permissions
Permission Name Allowed Action
configureDeviceCache Configuring the cache of a device. See CudaDevice.setCacheConfig(CacheConfig).
configureDeviceSharedMemory Configuring the shared memory of a device. See CudaDevice.setSharedMemConfig(SharedMemConfig).
loadModule Loading a GPU code module onto a device. See CudaModule.
peerAccess.disable Disabling peer access from one device to another. See CudaDevice.disablePeerAccess(CudaDevice).
peerAccess.enable Enabling peer access from one device to another. See CudaDevice.enablePeerAccess(CudaDevice).
setDeviceLimit Setting a device limit. See CudaDevice.setLimit(Limit, long).
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • CudaPermission

      public CudaPermission(String name)
      Create a representation of the named permissions.
      name - name of the permission
    • CudaPermission

      public CudaPermission(String name, String actions)
      Create a representation of the named permissions.
      name - name of the permission
      actions - not used, must be null or an empty string
      IllegalArgumentException - if actions is not null or an empty string