Class CudaJitOptions

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class CudaJitOptions extends Object implements Cloneable
The CudaJitOptions class represents a set of options that influence the behavior of linking and loading modules.
  • Constructor Details

    • CudaJitOptions

      public CudaJitOptions()
      Creates a new options object.
  • Method Details

    • clone

      protected CudaJitOptions clone()
      Creates a new options object with the same state as this object.
      clone in class Object
      Object a shallow copy of this object.
    • getErrorLogBuffer

      public String getErrorLogBuffer()
      Returns the contents of the error log.

      The result will be empty unless setErrorLogBufferSize(int) was called with a positive value, this object was used in connection with a CudaModule or a CudaLinker, and errors were reported.

      the contents of the error log
    • getInfoLogBuffer

      public String getInfoLogBuffer()
      Returns the contents of the information log.

      The result will be empty unless setInfoLogBufferSize(int) was called with a positive value, this object was used in connection with a CudaModule or a CudaLinker, and informational messages were reported.

      the contents of the information log
    • getThreadsPerBlock

      public int getThreadsPerBlock()
      Returns the maximum number of threads per block.

      The result will only be meaningful if setThreadsPerBlock(int) was called with a positive value, and this object was used in connection with a CudaModule or a CudaLinker involving PTX code.

      the maximum number of threads per block
    • getWallTime

      public float getWallTime()
      Returns the total elapsed time, in milliseconds, spent in the compiler and linker.

      Applies to: compiler and linker.

      the total elapsed time, in milliseconds, spent in the compiler and linker
    • recordWallTime

      public CudaJitOptions recordWallTime()
      Requests recording of the total wall clock time, in milliseconds, spent in the compiler and linker.

      Applies to: compiler and linker.

      this options object
    • setCacheMode

      public CudaJitOptions setCacheMode(CudaJitOptions.CacheMode mode)
      Specifies the desired caching behavior (-dlcm).

      Applies to compiler only.

      mode - the desired caching behavior
      this options object
    • setErrorLogBufferSize

      public CudaJitOptions setErrorLogBufferSize(int size)
      Specifies the size, in bytes, to allocate for capturing error messages.

      Applies to compiler and linker.

      size - the size, in bytes, of the error log buffer
      this options object
    • setGenerateDebugInfo

      public CudaJitOptions setGenerateDebugInfo(boolean enabled)
      Specifies whether to generate debug information.

      Applies to compiler and linker.

      enabled - whether debug information should be generated
      this options object
    • setGenerateLineInfo

      public CudaJitOptions setGenerateLineInfo(boolean enabled)
      Specifies whether to generate line number information.

      Applies to compiler only.

      enabled - whether line number information should be generated
      this options object
    • setInfoLogBufferSize

      public CudaJitOptions setInfoLogBufferSize(int size)
      Specifies the size, in bytes, to allocate for capturing informational messages.

      Applies to compiler and linker.

      size - the size, in bytes, of the information log buffer
      this options object
    • setJitFallbackStrategy

      public CudaJitOptions setJitFallbackStrategy(CudaJitOptions.Fallback strategy)
      Specifies the fallback strategy if an exactly matching binary object cannot be found.

      Applies to: compiler only

      strategy - the desired fallback strategy
      this options object
    • setLogVerbose

      public CudaJitOptions setLogVerbose(boolean verbose)
      Specifies whether to generate verbose log messages.

      Applies to: compiler and linker

      verbose - whether verbose log messages should be generated
      this options object
    • setMaxRegisters

      public CudaJitOptions setMaxRegisters(int limit)
      Specifies the maximum number of registers that a thread may use.

      Applies to: compiler only

      limit - the maximum number of registers a thread may use
      this options object
    • setOptimizationLevel

      public CudaJitOptions setOptimizationLevel(int level)
      Specifies the level of optimization to be applied to generated code (0 - 4), with 4 being the default and highest level of optimization.

      Applies to compiler only.

      level - the desired optimization level
      this options object
    • setTarget

      public CudaJitOptions setTarget(CudaJitTarget target)
      Specifies the desired compute target.

      Cannot be combined with setThreadsPerBlock(int).

      Applies to compiler and linker.

      target - the desired compute target
      this options object
    • setTargetFromCuContext

      public CudaJitOptions setTargetFromCuContext()
      Specifies that the target should be determined based on the current attached context.

      Applies to compiler and linker.

      this options object
    • setThreadsPerBlock

      public CudaJitOptions setThreadsPerBlock(int limit)
      Specifies the minimum number of threads per block for compilation.

      This restricts the resource utilization of the compiler (e.g. maximum registers) such that a block with the given number of threads should be able to launch based on register limitations. Note, this option does not currently take into account any other resource limitations, such as shared memory utilization.

      Cannot be combined with setTarget(CudaJitTarget).

      Applies to compiler only.

      limit - the desired minimum number of threads per block
      this options object