Package org.eclipse.openj9.criu

package org.eclipse.openj9.criu
This package enables access to CRIU capabilities from Java.

More information on CRIUSupport can be found here.

  • Class
    The permission class for operations on the org.eclipse.openj9.criu.CRIUSupport class.
    CRIU Support API A checkpoint is the act of halting the JVM, saving its state and writing it out to a file(s).
    A hook can be one of the following states: SINGLE_THREAD_MODE - a mode in which only the Java thread that requested a checkpoint is permitted to run.
    An exception representing a failure in the JVM before checkpoint.
    Abstract CRIU exception superclass.
    An exception representing a JVM failure after restore.
    An exception representing a failed system operation before checkpoint.
    An exception representing a system failure after restore.