Class CRaCMXBeanImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
PlatformManagedObject, CRaCMXBean

public class CRaCMXBeanImpl extends Object implements CRaCMXBean
An implementation of the CRaCMXBean interface.
  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      public static CRaCMXBean getInstance()
      Returns an instance of CRaCMXBeanImpl.
      an instance of CRaCMXBeanImpl.
    • getUptimeSinceRestore

      public long getUptimeSinceRestore()
      Returns the time since the JVM restore was initiated. Returns -1 if restore has not occurred.
      Specified by:
      getUptimeSinceRestore in interface CRaCMXBean
      the number of in millseconds since restore, returns -1 if restore has not occurred.
    • getRestoreTime

      public long getRestoreTime()
      Returns the time when the JVM restore was initiated. Returns -1 if restore has not occurred.
      Specified by:
      getRestoreTime in interface CRaCMXBean
      the number of milliseconds since epoch, returns -1 if restore has not occurred.
    • getObjectName

      public ObjectName getObjectName()
      Returns an ObjectName instance representing the object name of this platform managed object.
      Specified by:
      getObjectName in interface PlatformManagedObject
      an ObjectName instance representing the object name of this platform managed object.