Interface GuestOSMXBean

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public interface GuestOSMXBean extends PlatformManagedObject
This interface provides Processor and Memory usage statistics of the Guest (Virtual Machine(VM)/Logical Partition(LPAR)) as seen by the Hypervisor Host. Where there are multiple levels of Hypervisor, only the top level Hypervisor information is returned. These are the supported Hypervisor and Guest Operating System combinations:
  1. Windows and Linux on VMWare ESXi (IBM Java 8 only).
    • VMware GuestSDK (Generally packaged with VMWare tools) must be installed in the Guest Operating System.
  2. AIX and Linux on PowerVM.
  3. Linux on PowerKVM.
    • Guest Operating System memory usage statistics are not available on Linux for PowerKVM.
  4. z/OS and Linux on z/VM.
    • hypfs filesystem (s390_hypfs) must be mounted on Linux on z/VM. The userid that runs the Java process must have read and write access.

Usage example for the GuestOSMXBean
   try {
	mxbeanName = new ObjectName("");
   } catch (MalformedObjectNameException e) {
	// Exception Handling
   try {
	MBeanServer mbeanServer = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer();
	if (true != mbeanServer.isRegistered(mxbeanName)) {
	   // GuestOSMXBean not registered
	GuestOSMXBean guestBean = JMX.newMXBeanProxy(mbeanServer, mxbeanName, GuestOSMXBean.class);
   } catch (Exception e) {
	// Exception Handling