Module openj9.dtfj

Interface IParserNode

    • Method Detail

      • nodeToPushAfterStarting

        IParserNode nodeToPushAfterStarting​(String uri,
                                            String localName,
                                            String qName,
                                            Attributes attributes)
        Called when a start tag is parsed. Returns the node to handle this new scope which may be the same instance as the receiver if this same node wants to take responsibility.
        uri -
        localName -
        qName -
        attributes -
      • stringWasParsed

        void stringWasParsed​(String string)
        Called when a literal string is parsed in the XML stream.
        string -
      • didFinishParsing

        void didFinishParsing()
        Called when this tag is done being parsed (the start tag and all children have been fully parsed) and it is going to be discarded by the parser.