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CAUTION: This site hosts draft documentation for the next release. For published content of the latest release, visit

Supported environments

The Eclipse OpenJ9™ project source code can be built against multiple JDK levels starting with JDK8, so the question of support has a more complicated answer than at OpenJDK. Our community is committed to supporting JDK levels as long as they are supported at the OpenJDK open source project with a significant user base. Currently, Eclipse OpenJ9 produces a new release every quarter that can build against all JDK levels that are currently supported by the OpenJDK community. We are committed to accepting problem reports when using Eclipse OpenJ9 against a supported OpenJDK level, with fixes being delivered in each release of Eclipse OpenJ9.

In order to track the OpenJDK 6-month release cadence, OpenJ9 also produces two releases a year that support only a single JDK level. These releases will occur in March and September with the intention of supporting only the corresponding new OpenJDK feature release.

The following table summarizes which JDK levels are expected to be supported by which Eclipse OpenJ9 releases, along with projected release dates. All future dates and support expectations are predictions that might change depending on how the OpenJDK and OpenJ9 projects evolve over time. To keep this table concise, some rows and columns will be removed over time.

Eclipse OpenJ9 releases

OpenJ9 release Release date JDK8 (LTS) JDK11 (LTS) JDK17 (LTS) JDK21 (LTS) JDK22 JDK23 JDK24
0.46.0 Aug 2024 yes yes yes yes yes
0.46.1 Sep 2024 yes yes yes yes yes
0.47.0 Sep 2024 (2) no no no no no yes
0.48.0 Nov 2024 yes yes yes yes no yes
0.49.0 Feb 2025 yes yes yes yes no yes
0.50.0 Mar 2025 (2) no no no no no no yes
0.51.0 May 2025 (1) yes yes yes yes no no yes


  1. These future OpenJ9 releases are expected, in line with our support statement.
  2. These OpenJ9 releases are feature releases that support a new OpenJDK release only.
  3. These OpenJ9 releases support a new LTS OpenJDK release only.

For any issues or limitations of an Eclipse OpenJ9 release, read the release notes.

Platform support

The Eclipse OpenJ9 project is open to supporting any hardware or operating system platforms provided that we have community members available to maintain them. For practical reasons the Eclipse OpenJ9 JVM does not currently run on every platform.

OpenJDK 8

OpenJDK 8 binaries are expected to function on the minimum operating system levels shown in the following tables:

Linux® AArch64 x32 x64 ppc64le Z31 Z64
RHEL 8.8 yes no yes yes no yes
RHEL 9.2 no no yes yes no yes
Ubuntu 20.04 yes no yes yes no yes
Ubuntu 22.04 no no yes yes no yes


  • Not all of these distributions are tested, but the following distributions are expected to function without problems:

    • Linux distributions that have a minimum glibc version 2.12 (x) or 2.17 (others)
    • RHEL 9.2 and Ubuntu 22.04 distributions on AArch64 architecture
  • Support for OpenJ9 on CentOS 6.10 is removed from 0.46.0 release onwards. With the removal of support, the minimum glibc version (x) might change in future releases.

Windows™ x32 x64
Windows 10 yes yes
Windows 11 yes yes
Windows Server 2016 yes yes
Windows Server 2019 yes yes
Windows Server 2022 yes yes
macOS® x64
macOS 13 yes
macOS 14 yes
macOS 15 yes
AIX® ppc32 ppc64
AIX 7.2 TL5 yes yes

Important: AIX OpenJ9 builds require the XL C++ Runtime or later.

When public support for an operating system version ends, OpenJ9 can no longer be supported on that level.

OpenJDK 11

OpenJDK 11 binaries are expected to function on the minimum operating system levels shown in the following tables:

Linux (Note 1) AArch64 x64 ppc64le Z64
RHEL 8.8 yes yes yes yes
RHEL 9.2 no yes yes yes
Ubuntu 20.04 yes yes yes yes
Ubuntu 22.04 no yes yes yes


  • Not all of these distributions are tested, but the following distributions are expected to function without problems:

    • Linux distributions that have a minimum glibc version 2.12 (x) or 2.17 (others)
    • RHEL 9.2 and Ubuntu 22.04 distributions on AArch64 architecture
  • Support for OpenJ9 on CentOS 6.10 is removed from 0.46.0 release onwards. With the removal of support, the minimum glibc version (x) might change in future releases.

Windows x64
Windows 10 yes
Windows 11 yes
Windows Server 2016 yes
Windows Server 2019 yes
Windows Server 2022 yes
macOS x64 AArch64 (Apple silicon)
macOS 13 yes yes
macOS 14 yes yes
macOS 15 yes yes
AIX ppc64
AIX 7.2 TL5 yes

Important: AIX OpenJ9 builds require the XL C++ Runtime or later.

When public support for an operating system version ends, OpenJ9 can no longer be supported on that level.

OpenJDK 17

OpenJDK 17 binaries are expected to function on the minimum operating system levels shown in the following tables:

Linux (Note 1) AArch64 x64 ppc64le Z64
RHEL 8.8 yes yes yes yes
RHEL 9.2 no yes yes yes
Ubuntu 20.04 yes yes yes yes
Ubuntu 22.04 no yes yes yes

Note: Not all of these distributions are tested, but the following distributions are expected to function without problems:

  • Linux distributions that have a minimum glibc version 2.17
  • RHEL 9.2 and Ubuntu 22.04 distributions on AArch64 architecture
Windows x64
Windows 10 yes
Windows 11 yes
Windows Server 2016 yes
Windows Server 2019 yes
Windows Server 2022 yes
macOS x64 AArch64 (Apple silicon)
macOS 13 yes yes
macOS 14 yes yes
macOS 15 yes yes
AIX ppc64
AIX 7.2 TL5 yes

Important: AIX OpenJ9 builds require the XL C++ Runtime or later.

When public support for an operating system version ends, OpenJ9 can no longer be supported on that level.

OpenJDK 21 and later

OpenJDK 21 and later binaries are expected to function on the minimum operating system levels shown in the following tables:

Linux (Note 1) AArch64 x64 ppc64le Z64
RHEL 8.8 yes yes yes yes
RHEL 9.2 no yes yes yes
Ubuntu 20.04 yes yes yes yes
Ubuntu 22.04 no yes yes yes

Note: Not all of these distributions are tested, but the following distributions are expected to function without problems:

  • Linux distributions that have a minimum glibc version 2.17
  • RHEL 9.2 and Ubuntu 22.04 distributions on AArch64 architecture
Windows x64
Windows 10 yes
Windows 11 yes
Windows Server 2016 yes
Windows Server 2019 yes
Windows Server 2022 yes
macOS x64 AArch64 (Apple silicon)
macOS 13 yes yes
macOS 14 yes yes
macOS 15 yes yes
AIX ppc64
AIX 7.2 TL5 yes

Important: AIX OpenJ9 builds require the XL C++ Runtime or later.

When public support for an operating system version ends, OpenJ9 can no longer be supported on that level.

Build environments

The project builds and tests OpenJDK with OpenJ9 on a number of platforms. The operating system and compiler levels for the build systems are shown in the following tables.

OpenJDK 8

Platform Operating system Compiler
Linux x86 64-bit CentOS 6.10 gcc 11.2
Linux on POWER® LE 64-bit CentOS 7.9 gcc 11.2
Linux on IBM Z® 64-bit RHEL 7.9 gcc 11.2
Linux AArch64 64-bit CentOS 7.9 gcc 10.3
Windows x86 32-bit Windows Server 2019 Microsoft Visual Studio 2022
Windows x86 64-bit Windows Server 2019 Microsoft Visual Studio 2022
macOS x86 64-bit OSX 10.15.7 xcode 12.4 and clang 12.0.0
AIX POWER BE 64-bit AIX 7.2 TL5 xlc/C++

OpenJDK 11

Platform Operating system Compiler
Linux x86 64-bit CentOS 6.10 gcc 11.2
Linux on POWER LE 64-bit CentOS 7.9 gcc 11.2
Linux on IBM Z 64-bit RHEL 7.9 gcc 11.2
Linux AArch64 64-bit CentOS 7.9 gcc 10.3
Windows x86 64-bit Windows Server 2019 Microsoft Visual Studio 2022
macOS x86 64-bit macOS 10.15.7 xcode 12.4 and clang 12.0.0
macOS AArch64 macOS 11.5.2 xcode 13.0 and clang 13.0.0
AIX POWER BE 64-bit AIX 7.2 TL5 xlc/C++

OpenJDK 17

Platform Operating system Compiler
Linux x86 64-bit CentOS 7.9 gcc 11.2
Linux on POWER LE 64-bit CentOS 7.9 gcc 11.2
Linux on IBM Z 64-bit RHEL 7.9 gcc 11.2
Linux AArch64 64-bit CentOS 7.9 gcc 10.3
Windows x86 64-bit Windows Server 2019 Microsoft Visual Studio 2022
macOS x86 64-bit macOS 10.15.7 xcode 12.4 and clang 12.0.0
macOS AArch64 macOS 11.5.2 xcode 13.0 and clang 13.0.0
AIX POWER BE 64-bit AIX 7.2 TL5 xlc/C++

OpenJDK 21 and later

Platform Operating system Compiler
Linux x86 64-bit CentOS 7.9 gcc 11.2
Linux on POWER LE 64-bit CentOS 7.9 gcc 11.2
Linux on IBM Z 64-bit RHEL 7.9 gcc 11.2
Linux AArch64 64-bit CentOS 7.9 gcc 10.3
Windows x86 64-bit Windows Server 2019 Microsoft Visual Studio 2022
macOS x86 64-bit macOS 10.15.7 xcode 12.4 and clang 12.0.0
macOS AArch64 macOS 11.5.2 xcode 13.0 and clang 13.0.0
AIX POWER BE 64-bit AIX 7.2 TL5 xlc/C++