Java dump
Java™ dumps, sometimes referred to as Java cores, are produced when the VM ends unexpectedly because of an operating system signal, OutOfMemoryError
, or a user-initiated keystroke combination. You can also generate a Java dump by calling the Dump API programmatically from your application or specifying the -Xdump:java
option on the command line.
If your Java application crashes or hangs, Java dumps can provide useful information to help you diagnose the root cause.
- If your application crashes, Java dumps are generated automatically for the following types of failure:
- the VM receives an unexpected signal or an assertion failure
- the VM runs out of memory
If your application hangs, you can trigger the generation of a Java dump by sending a SIGQUIT signal (
kill -3
) to the VM.Note: On Windows®, if you started the VM in a console window you can force the VM to produce a Java dump in response to a SIGBREAK signal (Ctrl-Break keyboard combination). If you didn't start in a console window, there is no equivalent to a Linux
command on Windows for sending signals. The only option here is to trigger a full system dump by finding the VM process in the Processes tab of the Windows Task Manager and clicking Create dump file.
To help you understand how a Java dump can help you with problem diagnosis, this topic includes a few scenarios to help you interpret the data:
- A crash caused by a general protection fault (gpf)
- A Java heap OutOfMemoryError (OOM)
- A native OutOfMemoryError (OOM)
- A deadlock situation
- A hang
Java dump contents
Java dumps summarize the state of the VM when the event occurs, with most of the information relating to components of the VM. The file is made up of a number of sections that provide different types of information.
The first section of the Java dump file provides information about the event that triggered the production of the dump.
In the following example, you can see that a vmstop
event triggered the dump at a specified date and time.
0SECTION TITLE subcomponent dump routine
NULL ===============================
1TISIGINFO Dump Event "vmstop" (00000002) Detail "#0000000000000000" received
1TIDATETIMEUTC Date: 2021/04/23 at 18:02:44:017 (UTC)
1TIDATETIME Date: 2021/04/23 at 14:02:44:017
1TINANOTIME System nanotime: 379202644260787
1TIFILENAME Javacore filename: /home/doc-javacore/javacore.20210423.140244.1175.0001.txt
1TIREQFLAGS Request Flags: 0x81 (exclusive+preempt)
1TIPREPSTATE Prep State: 0x106 (vm_access+exclusive_vm_access+trace_disabled)
The GPINFO section provides general information about the system that the VM is running on. The following example is taken from a Java dump that was generated on a Linux system.
NULL ------------------------------------------------------------------------
0SECTION GPINFO subcomponent dump routine
NULL ================================
2XHOSLEVEL OS Level : Linux 3.10.0-862.11.6.el7.x86_64
2XHCPUS Processors -
3XHCPUARCH Architecture : amd64
3XHNUMCPUS How Many : 4
3XHNUMASUP NUMA is either not supported or has been disabled by user
1XHERROR2 Register dump section only produced for SIGSEGV, SIGILL or SIGFPE.
The content of this section can vary, depending on the cause of the dump. For example, if the dump was caused by a
general protection fault (gpf), the library in which the crash occurred is also recorded, together with a value shown
as VM flags
. This value can provide some clues about which component of the VM might have been involved. Look for the
following line in the output:
1XHFLAGS VM flags:0000000000000000
The hexadecimal number that is recorded for VM flags
ends in MSSSS, where M is the VM component and SSSS is component-specific code as shown in the following table:
Component | Code value |
INTERPRETER | 0x10000 |
GC | 0x20000 |
GROW_STACK | 0x30000 |
JNI | 0x40000 |
JIT_CODEGEN | 0x50000 |
BCVERIFY | 0x60000 |
RTVERIFY | 0x70000 |
A value of 0000000000000000
(0x00000) indicates that a crash occurred outside of the VM.
This section contains useful information about the environment in which the crash took place, including the following data:
- Java version (
) - Eclipse OpenJ9™ VM and subcomponent version information (
) - VM start time (
) and process information (1CIPROCESSID
) - Java home (
) directories - User arguments passed on the command line (
), identifying those that are ignored (1CIIGNOREDARGS
) - User limits imposed by the system (
) - Environment variables in place (
) - System information (
) - CPU information (
) - Control group (Cgroup) information (
For clarity, the following example shows a shortened version of this section, where ...
indicates that lines are removed:
NULL ------------------------------------------------------------------------
0SECTION ENVINFO subcomponent dump routine
NULL =================================
1CIJAVAVERSION JRE 9 Linux amd64-64 (build 9.0.4-internal+0-adhoc..openj9-openjdk-jdk9)
1CIVMVERSION 20180830_000000
1CIJCLVERSION ec1d223 based on jdk-9.0.4+12
1CIJITMODES JIT enabled, AOT enabled, FSD disabled, HCR enabled
1CIRUNNINGAS Running as a standalone JVM
1CICONTINFO Running in container : FALSE
1CICGRPINFO JVM support for cgroups enabled : TRUE
1CISTARTTIME JVM start time: 2018/08/30 at 21:55:47:387
1CISTARTNANO JVM start nanotime: 22012135233549
1CIPROCESSID Process ID: 30285 (0x764D)
1CICMDLINE [not available]
1CIJAVAHOMEDIR Java Home Dir: /home/me/openj9-openjdk-jdk9/build/linux-x86_64-normal-server-release/images/jdk
1CIJAVADLLDIR Java DLL Dir: /home/me/openj9-openjdk-jdk9/build/linux-x86_64-normal-server-release/images/jdk/bin
1CISYSCP Sys Classpath:
2CIUSERARG -Xoptionsfile=/home/me/openj9-openjdk-jdk9/build/linux-x86_64-normal-server-release/images/jdk/lib/options.default
2CIIGNOREDARG -XX:+UseCompressedOop
2CIIGNOREDARG -XX:CompressedClassSpaceSize=528482304
1CIUSERLIMITS User Limits (in bytes except for NOFILE and NPROC)
NULL ------------------------------------------------------------------------
NULL type soft limit hard limit
2CIUSERLIMIT RLIMIT_AS unlimited unlimited
2CIUSERLIMIT RLIMIT_CPU unlimited unlimited
2CIUSERLIMIT RLIMIT_DATA unlimited unlimited
2CIUSERLIMIT RLIMIT_FSIZE unlimited unlimited
2CIUSERLIMIT RLIMIT_LOCKS unlimited unlimited
2CIUSERLIMIT RLIMIT_RSS unlimited unlimited
1CIENVVARS Environment Variables
NULL ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1CISYSINFO System Information
NULL ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2CISYSINFO /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern = core
2CISYSINFO /proc/sys/kernel/core_uses_pid = 1
1CICPUINFO CPU Information
NULL ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2CIPHYSCPU Physical CPUs: 8
2CIJITFEATURE CPU features (JIT): fpu cx8 cmov mmx sse sse2 ssse3 fma sse4_1 popcnt aesni osxsave avx avx2 rdt_m
2CIAOTFEATURE CPU features (AOT): fpu cx8 cmov mmx sse sse2 ssse3 fma sse4_1 popcnt aesni osxsave avx avx2 rdt_m
1CICGRPINFO Cgroup Information
NULL ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2CICGRPINFO subsystem : cpu
2CICGRPINFO cgroup name : /
3CICGRPINFO CPU Period : 100000 microseconds
3CICGRPINFO CPU Shares : 1024
3CICGRPINFO Period intervals elapsed count : 0
3CICGRPINFO Throttled count : 0
3CICGRPINFO Total throttle time : 0 nanoseconds
2CICGRPINFO subsystem : cpuset
2CICGRPINFO cgroup name : /
3CICGRPINFO CPU exclusive : 1
3CICGRPINFO Mem exclusive : 1
2CICGRPINFO subsystem : memory
2CICGRPINFO cgroup name : /
3CICGRPINFO Memory Limit : Not Set
3CICGRPINFO Memory + Swap Limit : Not Set
3CICGRPINFO Memory Usage : 5363396608 bytes
3CICGRPINFO Memory + Swap Usage : 5363396608 bytes
3CICGRPINFO Memory Max Usage : 0 bytes
3CICGRPINFO Memory + Swap Max Usage : 0 bytes
3CICGRPINFO Memory limit exceeded count : 0
3CICGRPINFO Memory + Swap limit exceeded count : 0
3CICGRPINFO OOM Killer Disabled : 0
This section records information about native memory that is requested by using library functions such as malloc()
and mmap()
Values are provided as a breakdown, per component, indicating the total number of bytes allocated and the number of native memory allocations.
In the following example, 4,682,840 bytes of native memory are allocated (but not yet freed) to VM Classes, which correspond to 141 allocations.
NULL ------------------------------------------------------------------------
0SECTION NATIVEMEMINFO subcomponent dump routine
NULL =================================
1MEMUSER JRE: 2,569,088,312 bytes / 4653 allocations
2MEMUSER +--VM: 2,280,088,336 bytes / 2423 allocations
3MEMUSER | +--Classes: 4,682,840 bytes / 141 allocations
3MEMUSER | +--Memory Manager (GC): 2,054,966,784 bytes / 433 allocations
3MEMUSER | | |
4MEMUSER | | +--Java Heap: 2,014,113,792 bytes / 1 allocation
3MEMUSER | | |
4MEMUSER | | +--Other: 40,852,992 bytes / 432 allocations
3MEMUSER | +--Threads: 10,970,016 bytes / 156 allocations
3MEMUSER | | |
4MEMUSER | | +--Java Stack: 197,760 bytes / 16 allocations
3MEMUSER | | |
4MEMUSER | | +--Native Stack: 10,616,832 bytes / 17 allocations
3MEMUSER | | |
4MEMUSER | | +--Other: 155,424 bytes / 123 allocations
3MEMUSER | +--Trace: 180,056 bytes / 263 allocations
3MEMUSER | +--JVMTI: 17,776 bytes / 13 allocations
3MEMUSER | +--JNI: 36,184 bytes / 52 allocations
3MEMUSER | +--Port Library: 208,179,632 bytes / 72 allocations
3MEMUSER | | |
4MEMUSER | | +--Unused <32bit allocation regions: 208,168,752 bytes / 1 allocation
3MEMUSER | | |
4MEMUSER | | +--Other: 10,880 bytes / 71 allocations
3MEMUSER | +--Other: 1,055,048 bytes / 1293 allocations
2MEMUSER +--JIT: 288,472,816 bytes / 140 allocations
3MEMUSER | +--JIT Code Cache: 268,435,456 bytes / 1 allocation
3MEMUSER | +--JIT Data Cache: 2,097,216 bytes / 1 allocation
3MEMUSER | +--Other: 17,940,144 bytes / 138 allocations
2MEMUSER +--Class Libraries: 13,432 bytes / 25 allocations
3MEMUSER | +--VM Class Libraries: 13,432 bytes / 25 allocations
3MEMUSER | | |
4MEMUSER | | +--sun.misc.Unsafe: 3,184 bytes / 13 allocations
4MEMUSER | | | |
5MEMUSER | | | +--Direct Byte Buffers: 1,056 bytes / 12 allocations
4MEMUSER | | | |
5MEMUSER | | | +--Other: 2,128 bytes / 1 allocation
3MEMUSER | | |
4MEMUSER | | +--Other: 10,248 bytes / 12 allocations
2MEMUSER +--Unknown: 513,728 bytes / 2065 allocations
This section does not record memory that is allocated by application or JNI code and is typically a little less than the value recorded by operating system tools.
Note: Different operating system tools record virtual memory, resident memory, or both. The memory usage reported by Java dumps in the NATIVEMEMINFO section is the virtual memory allocations rather than the resident memory usage.
This section relates to memory management, providing a breakdown of memory usage in the VM for the object heap, internal memory, memory used for classes, the JIT code cache, and JIT data cache in decimal and hexadecimal format. You can also find out which garbage collection policy is in use when the dump is produced.
The object memory area (1STHEAPTYPE
) records each memory region in use, its start and end address, and region size.
Further information is recorded about the memory segments that are used for internal memory, class memory, the JIT code cache, and JIT data cache (1STSEGMENT
This information includes the address of the segment control data structure, the start and end address of the native memory segment, as well as
the segment size.
For clarity, the following example shows a shortened version of this section, where ...
indicates that lines are removed:
NULL ------------------------------------------------------------------------
0SECTION MEMINFO subcomponent dump routine
NULL =================================
1STHEAPTYPE Object Memory
NULL id start end size space/region
1STHEAPSPACE 0x00007FF4F00744A0 -- -- -- Generational
1STHEAPREGION 0x00007FF4F0074CE0 0x0000000087F40000 0x0000000088540000 0x0000000000600000 Generational/Tenured Region
1STHEAPREGION 0x00007FF4F0074930 0x00000000FFE00000 0x00000000FFF00000 0x0000000000100000 Generational/Nursery Region
1STHEAPREGION 0x00007FF4F0074580 0x00000000FFF00000 0x0000000100000000 0x0000000000100000 Generational/Nursery Region
1STHEAPTOTAL Total memory: 8388608 (0x0000000000800000)
1STHEAPINUSE Total memory in use: 2030408 (0x00000000001EFB48)
1STHEAPFREE Total memory free: 6358200 (0x00000000006104B8)
1STSEGTYPE Internal Memory
NULL segment start alloc end type size
1STSEGMENT 0x00007FF4F004CBC8 0x00007FF4CD33C000 0x00007FF4CD33C000 0x00007FF4CE33C000 0x01000440 0x0000000001000000
1STSEGMENT 0x00007FF4F004CB08 0x00007FF4DE43D030 0x00007FF4DE517770 0x00007FF4DE53D030 0x00800040 0x0000000000100000
1STSEGTOTAL Total memory: 17825792 (0x0000000001100000)
1STSEGINUSE Total memory in use: 894784 (0x00000000000DA740)
1STSEGFREE Total memory free: 16931008 (0x00000000010258C0)
1STSEGTYPE Class Memory
NULL segment start alloc end type size
1STSEGMENT 0x00007FF4F03B5638 0x0000000001053D98 0x000000000105BD98 0x000000000105BD98 0x00010040 0x0000000000008000
1STSEGMENT 0x00007FF4F03B5578 0x0000000001048188 0x0000000001050188 0x0000000001050188 0x00010040 0x0000000000008000
1STSEGTOTAL Total memory: 3512520 (0x00000000003598C8)
1STSEGINUSE Total memory in use: 3433944 (0x00000000003465D8)
1STSEGFREE Total memory free: 78576 (0x00000000000132F0)
NULL segment start alloc end type size
1STSEGMENT 0x00007FF4F00961F8 0x00007FF4CE43D000 0x00007FF4CE445790 0x00007FF4DE43D000 0x00000068 0x0000000010000000
1STSEGTOTAL Total memory: 268435456 (0x0000000010000000)
1STSEGINUSE Total memory in use: 34704 (0x0000000000008790)
1STSEGFREE Total memory free: 268400752 (0x000000000FFF7870)
1STSEGLIMIT Allocation limit: 268435456 (0x0000000010000000)
NULL segment start alloc end type size
1STSEGMENT 0x00007FF4F0096668 0x00007FF4CC553030 0x00007FF4CC753030 0x00007FF4CC753030 0x00000048 0x0000000000200000
1STSEGTOTAL Total memory: 2097152 (0x0000000000200000)
1STSEGINUSE Total memory in use: 2097152 (0x0000000000200000)
1STSEGFREE Total memory free: 0 (0x0000000000000000)
1STSEGLIMIT Allocation limit: 402653184 (0x0000000018000000)
In the example, the GC History (1STGCHTYPE
) section is blank. This section is populated if a garbage collection cycle occurred in
a VM that is being diagnosed with the trace facility.
This section of the Java dump provides information about locks, which protect shared resources from being accessed by more than one entity at a time. The information is essential in a deadlock situation, where two threads attempt to synchronize on an object and lock an instance of a class. Precise information is recorded about the threads that are causing the problem, which enables you to identify the root cause.
The following example shows a typical LOCKS section, where no deadlocks existed at the time the dump was triggered. For clarity, the following example shows a shortened version of this section, where ...
indicates that lines are removed:
NULL ------------------------------------------------------------------------
0SECTION LOCKS subcomponent dump routine
NULL ===============================
1LKPOOLINFO Monitor pool info:
2LKPOOLTOTAL Current total number of monitors: 3
1LKMONPOOLDUMP Monitor Pool Dump (flat & inflated object-monitors):
2LKMONINUSE sys_mon_t:0x00007FF4B0001D78 infl_mon_t: 0x00007FF4B0001DF8:
3LKMONOBJECT java/lang/ref/ReferenceQueue@0x00000000FFE26A10: <unowned>
3LKNOTIFYQ Waiting to be notified:
3LKWAITNOTIFY "Common-Cleaner" (J9VMThread:0x0000000000FD0100)
1LKREGMONDUMP JVM System Monitor Dump (registered monitors):
2LKREGMON Thread global lock (0x00007FF4F0004FE8): <unowned>
2LKREGMON &(PPG_mem_mem32_subAllocHeapMem32.monitor) lock (0x00007FF4F0005098): <unowned>
2LKREGMON NLS hash table lock (0x00007FF4F0005148): <unowned>
The THREADS section of a Java dump file provides summary information about the VM thread pool and detailed information about Java threads, native threads, and stack traces. Understanding the content of this section can help you diagnose problems that are caused by blocked or waiting threads.
A Java thread runs on a native thread. Several lines are recorded for each Java thread in the Thread Details
subsection, which include the following key pieces of information:
: The thread name, address information for the VM thread structures and Java thread object, the thread state, and thread priority.3XMJAVALTHREAD
: The Java thread ID and daemon status from the thread object.3XMTHREADINFO1
: The native operating system thread ID, priority, scheduling policy, internal VM thread state, and VM thread flags.3XMTHREADINFO2
: The native stack address range.3XMTHREADINFO3
: Java call stack information (4XESTACKTRACE
) or Native call stack information (4XENATIVESTACK
: This line indicates whether locks were taken by a specific method.
Java thread priorities are mapped to operating system priority values. Thread states are shown in the following table:
Thread state value | Status | Description |
R | Runnable | The thread is able to run |
CW | Condition Wait | The thread is waiting |
S | Suspended | The thread is suspended by another thread |
Z | Zombie | The thread is destroyed |
P | Parked | The thread is parked by java.util.concurrent |
B | Blocked | The thread is waiting to obtain a lock |
For threads that are parked (P), blocked (B), or waiting (CW), an additional line (3XMTHREADBLOCK
) is included in the output that shows what the thread is parked on, blocked on, or waiting for. For threads that are waiting for a class initialization lock (java/lang/J9VMInternals$ClassInitializationLock
), this line includes the name of the thread that is currently working to progress the initialization of the class. You can use this information to diagnose deadlocks that are caused by class initialization, which might not be detected and reported in the LOCKS section.
For clarity, the following example shows a shortened version of a typical THREADS section, where ...
indicates that lines are removed:
NULL ------------------------------------------------------------------------
0SECTION THREADS subcomponent dump routine
NULL =================================
1XMPOOLINFO JVM Thread pool info:
2XMPOOLTOTAL Current total number of pooled threads: 19
2XMPOOLLIVE Current total number of live threads: 18
2XMPOOLDAEMON Current total number of live daemon threads: 15
1XMTHDINFO Thread Details
3XMTHREADINFO "JIT Diagnostic Compilation Thread-007 Suspended" J9VMThread:0x0000000000035200, omrthread_t:0x00007F3F8C0D02C8, java/lang/Thread:0x00000000FFF42120, state:R, prio=10
3XMJAVALTHREAD (java/lang/Thread getId:0x9, isDaemon:true)
3XMJAVALTHRCCL sun/misc/Launcher$AppClassLoader(0x00000000FFF3BF98)
3XMTHREADINFO1 (native thread ID:0x618F, native priority:0xB, native policy:UNKNOWN, vmstate:CW, vm thread flags:0x00000081)
3XMTHREADINFO2 (native stack address range from:0x00007F3F879C5000, to:0x00007F3F87AC5000, size:0x100000)
3XMCPUTIME CPU usage total: 0.052410771 secs, current category="JIT"
3XMHEAPALLOC Heap bytes allocated since last GC cycle=0 (0x0)
3XMTHREADINFO3 No Java callstack associated with this thread
3XMTHREADINFO "Class Initialization Thread 2" J9VMThread:0x0000000000124D00, omrthread_t:0x00007F3F8C1494C8, java/lang/Thread:0x00000000FFF53EE8, state:CW, prio=5
3XMJAVALTHREAD (java/lang/Thread getId:0x13, isDaemon:false)
3XMJAVALTHRCCL sun/misc/Launcher$AppClassLoader(0x00000000FFF3BF98)
3XMTHREADINFO1 (native thread ID:0x6199, native priority:0x5, native policy:UNKNOWN, vmstate:CW, vm thread flags:0x00000181)
3XMTHREADINFO2 (native stack address range from:0x00007F3F74AB4000, to:0x00007F3F74AF4000, size:0x40000)
3XMCPUTIME CPU usage total: 0.008712260 secs, current category="Application"
3XMTHREADBLOCK Waiting on: java/lang/J9VMInternals$ClassInitializationLock@0x00000000FFF61C90 Owned by: <unowned> Initializing thread: "Class Initialization Thread 1"
3XMHEAPALLOC Heap bytes allocated since last GC cycle=4096 (0x1000)
3XMTHREADINFO3 Java callstack:
4XESTACKTRACE at java/lang/Class.forNameImpl(Native Method)
4XESTACKTRACE at java/lang/Class.forName(
4XESTACKTRACE at ClassInitLockBug$
3XMTHREADINFO "Class Initialization Thread 1" J9VMThread:0x0000000000124100, omrthread_t:0x00007F3F8C148F50, java/lang/Thread:0x00000000FFF53D80, state:CW, prio=5
3XMJAVALTHREAD (java/lang/Thread getId:0x12, isDaemon:false)
3XMJAVALTHRCCL sun/misc/Launcher$AppClassLoader(0x00000000FFF3BF98)
3XMTHREADINFO1 (native thread ID:0x6198, native priority:0x5, native policy:UNKNOWN, vmstate:CW, vm thread flags:0x00000481)
3XMTHREADINFO2 (native stack address range from:0x00007F3F74AF5000, to:0x00007F3F74B35000, size:0x40000)
3XMCPUTIME CPU usage total: 0.010221701 secs, current category="Application"
3XMHEAPALLOC Heap bytes allocated since last GC cycle=12736 (0x31C0)
3XMTHREADINFO3 Java callstack:
4XESTACKTRACE at java/lang/Thread.sleepImpl(Native Method)
4XESTACKTRACE at java/lang/Thread.sleep(
4XESTACKTRACE at java/lang/Thread.sleep(
4XESTACKTRACE at TestClass.<clinit>(
4XESTACKTRACE at java/lang/Class.forNameImpl(Native Method)
4XESTACKTRACE at java/lang/Class.forName(
4XESTACKTRACE at ClassInitLockBug$
1XMTHDSUMMARY Threads CPU Usage Summary
NULL =========================
1XMTHDCATINFO Warning: to get more accurate CPU times for the GC, the option -XX:-ReduceCPUMonitorOverhead can be used. See the user guide for more information.
1XMTHDCATEGORY All JVM attached threads: 0.698865000 secs
2XMTHDCATEGORY +--System-JVM: 0.653723000 secs
3XMTHDCATEGORY | +--GC: 0.047248000 secs
3XMTHDCATEGORY | +--JIT: 0.512971000 secs
2XMTHDCATEGORY +--Application: 0.045142000 secs
This section shows internal VM event callbacks, which are used for diagnosing performance problems in the VM. Multiple hook interfaces are listed, which include their individual hook events.
The following example shows data for the J9VMHookInterface
, including the total time for all previous events, the call site location (<source file>:<line number>), start time, and duration of the last callback and the longest callback (all times measured in microseconds). The hook data is reset after each Java dump.
NULL ------------------------------------------------------------------------
SECTION HOOK subcomponent dump routine
NULL =========================
1NOTE These data are reset every time a javacore is taken
NULL ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1HKINTERFACE MM_PrivateHookInterface
NULL ------------------------------------------------------------------------
NULL ------------------------------------------------------------------------
NULL ------------------------------------------------------------------------
3HKLAST Last Callback
4HKCALLSITE trcengine.c:395
4HKSTARTTIME Start Time: 2019-10-18T00:15:14.664
4HKDURATION Duration : 16us
3HKLONGST Longest Callback
4HKCALLSITE trcengine.c:395
4HKSTARTTIME Start Time: 2019-10-18T21:28:34.895
4HKDURATION Duration : 5012us
1HKINTERFACE J9VMZipCachePoolHookInterface
NULL ------------------------------------------------------------------------
NULL ------------------------------------------------------------------------
3HKLAST Last Callback
4HKCALLSITE common/mgmtinit.c:193
4HKSTARTTIME Start Time: 2019-10-18T16:04:15.320
4HKDURATION Duration : 3us
3HKLONGST Longest Callback
4HKCALLSITE common/mgmtinit.c:193
4HKSTARTTIME Start Time: 2019-10-18T16:37:17.633
4HKDURATION Duration : 27us
If the shared classes cache is enabled at run time, the information that is provided in a Java dump file describes settings that were used when creating the cache, together with summary information about the size and content of the cache.
In the following example, the shared classes cache was created with a Class Debug Area (-Xnolinenumbers=false
). Byte code instrumentation (BCI) is enabled, which is the default, and VMs sharing the cache are allowed to store classpaths, which is also the default.
The Cache Summary
shows a cache size (2SCLTEXTCSZ
) of 16776608 bytes, with a soft maximum size (2SCLTEXTSMB
) also of 16776608 bytes, which leaves 12691668 bytes of free space (2SCLTEXTFRB
). The size of the Class Debug Area (2SCLTEXTDAS
) is 1331200 bytes and only 11% of this space is used.
In the Cache Memory Status
subsection, the line 2SCLTEXTCMDT
indicates the name and location of the shared cache and cr
indicates that the cache is a 64-bit compressed references cache.
NULL ------------------------------------------------------------------------
0SECTION SHARED CLASSES subcomponent dump routine
NULL ========================================
1SCLTEXTCRTW Cache Created With
NULL ------------------
2SCLTEXTXNL -Xnolinenumbers = false
2SCLTEXTBCI BCI Enabled = true
2SCLTEXTBCI Restrict Classpaths = false
1SCLTEXTCSUM Cache Summary
NULL ------------------
2SCLTEXTNLC No line number content = false
2SCLTEXTLNC Line number content = true
2SCLTEXTRCS ROMClass start address = 0x00007F423061C000
2SCLTEXTRCE ROMClass end address = 0x00007F42307B9A28
2SCLTEXTMSA Metadata start address = 0x00007F42313D42FC
2SCLTEXTCEA Cache end address = 0x00007F4231600000
2SCLTEXTRTF Runtime flags = 0x00102001ECA6028B
2SCLTEXTCGN Cache generation = 35
2SCLTEXTCSZ Cache size = 16776608
2SCLTEXTSMB Softmx bytes = 16776608
2SCLTEXTFRB Free bytes = 12691668
2SCLTEXTRCB ROMClass bytes = 1694248
2SCLTEXTAOB AOT code bytes = 0
2SCLTEXTADB AOT data bytes = 0
2SCLTEXTAHB AOT class hierarchy bytes = 32
2SCLTEXTATB AOT thunk bytes = 0
2SCLTEXTARB Reserved space for AOT bytes = -1
2SCLTEXTAMB Maximum space for AOT bytes = -1
2SCLTEXTJHB JIT hint bytes = 308
2SCLTEXTJPB JIT profile bytes = 2296
2SCLTEXTJRB Reserved space for JIT data bytes = -1
2SCLTEXTJMB Maximum space for JIT data bytes = -1
2SCLTEXTNOB Java Object bytes = 0
2SCLTEXTZCB Zip cache bytes = 919328
2SCLTEXTSHB Startup hint bytes = 0
2SCLTEXTRWB ReadWrite bytes = 114080
2SCLTEXTJCB JCL data bytes = 0
2SCLTEXTBDA Byte data bytes = 0
2SCLTEXTMDA Metadata bytes = 23448
2SCLTEXTDAS Class debug area size = 1331200
2SCLTEXTDAU Class debug area % used = 11%
2SCLTEXTDAN Class LineNumberTable bytes = 156240
2SCLTEXTDAV Class LocalVariableTable bytes = 0
2SCLTEXTNRC Number ROMClasses = 595
2SCLTEXTNAM Number AOT Methods = 0
2SCLTEXTNAD Number AOT Data Entries = 0
2SCLTEXTNAH Number AOT Class Hierarchy = 1
2SCLTEXTNAT Number AOT Thunks = 0
2SCLTEXTNJH Number JIT Hints = 14
2SCLTEXTNJP Number JIT Profiles = 20
2SCLTEXTNCP Number Classpaths = 1
2SCLTEXTNTK Number Tokens = 0
2SCLTEXTNOJ Number Java Objects = 0
2SCLTEXTNZC Number Zip Caches = 5
2SCLTEXTNSH Number Startup Hint Entries = 0
2SCLTEXTNJC Number JCL Entries = 0
2SCLTEXTNST Number Stale classes = 0
2SCLTEXTPST Percent Stale classes = 0%
2SCLTEXTCPF Cache is 24% full
1SCLTEXTCMST Cache Memory Status
NULL ------------------
1SCLTEXTCNTD Cache Name Feature Memory type Cache path
2SCLTEXTCMDT sharedcc_doc-javacore CR Memory mapped file /tmp/javasharedresources/C290M4F1A64P_sharedcc_doc-javacore_G35
1SCLTEXTCMST Cache Lock Status
NULL ------------------
1SCLTEXTCNTD Lock Name Lock type TID owning lock
2SCLTEXTCWRL Cache write lock File lock Unowned
2SCLTEXTCRWL Cache read/write lock File lock Unowned
The following example shows information for a layered cache:
NULL ------------------------------------------------------------------------
0SECTION SHARED CLASSES subcomponent dump routine
NULL ========================================
1SCLTEXTCSTL Cache Statistics for Top Layer
1SCLTEXTCRTW Cache Created With
NULL ------------------
2SCLTEXTXNL -Xnolinenumbers = false
2SCLTEXTBCI BCI Enabled = true
2SCLTEXTBCI Restrict Classpaths = false
1SCLTEXTCSUM Cache Summary
NULL ------------------
2SCLTEXTNLC No line number content = false
2SCLTEXTLNC Line number content = false
2SCLTEXTRCS ROMClass start address = 0x00007F0EDB567000
2SCLTEXTRCE ROMClass end address = 0x00007F0EDB567000
2SCLTEXTMSA Metadata start address = 0x00007F0EDC40241C
2SCLTEXTCEA Cache end address = 0x00007F0EDC54B000
2SCLTEXTRTF Runtime flags = 0x80102001ECA602BB
2SCLTEXTCGN Cache generation = 41
2SCLTEXTCLY Cache layer = 1
2SCLTEXTCSZ Cache size = 16776608
2SCLTEXTSMB Softmx bytes = 16776608
2SCLTEXTFRB Free bytes = 15315996
2SCLTEXTARB Reserved space for AOT bytes = -1
2SCLTEXTAMB Maximum space for AOT bytes = -1
2SCLTEXTJRB Reserved space for JIT data bytes = -1
2SCLTEXTJMB Maximum space for JIT data bytes = -1
2SCLTEXTRWB ReadWrite bytes = 114080
2SCLTEXTDAS Class debug area size = 1331200
2SCLTEXTDAU Class debug area % used = 0%
2SCLTEXTDAN Class LineNumberTable bytes = 0
2SCLTEXTDAV Class LocalVariableTable bytes = 0
2SCLTEXTCPF Cache is 8% full
1SCLTEXTCMST Cache Memory Status
NULL ------------------
1SCLTEXTCNTD Cache Name Feature Memory type Cache path
2SCLTEXTCMDT Cache1 CR Memory mapped file /tmp/javasharedresources/C290M4F1A64P_Cache1_G41L01
1SCLTEXTCMST Cache Lock Status
NULL ------------------
1SCLTEXTCNTD Lock Name Lock type TID owning lock
2SCLTEXTCWRL Cache write lock File lock Unowned
2SCLTEXTCRWL Cache read/write lock File lock Unowned
1SCLTEXTCSAL Cache Statistics for All Layers
2SCLTEXTRCB ROMClass bytes = 1459040
2SCLTEXTAOB AOT code bytes = 57624
2SCLTEXTADB AOT data bytes = 272
2SCLTEXTAHB AOT class hierarchy bytes = 1840
2SCLTEXTATB AOT thunk bytes = 632
2SCLTEXTJHB JIT hint bytes = 484
2SCLTEXTJPB JIT profile bytes = 0
2SCLTEXTNOB Java Object bytes = 0
2SCLTEXTZCB Zip cache bytes = 1134016
2SCLTEXTSHB Startup hint bytes = 0
2SCLTEXTJCB JCL data bytes = 0
2SCLTEXTBDA Byte data bytes = 0
2SCLTEXTNRC Number ROMClasses = 503
2SCLTEXTNAM Number AOT Methods = 16
2SCLTEXTNAD Number AOT Data Entries = 1
2SCLTEXTNAH Number AOT Class Hierarchy = 28
2SCLTEXTNAT Number AOT Thunks = 11
2SCLTEXTNJH Number JIT Hints = 15
2SCLTEXTNJP Number JIT Profiles = 0
2SCLTEXTNCP Number Classpaths = 1
2SCLTEXTNTK Number Tokens = 0
2SCLTEXTNOJ Number Java Objects = 0
2SCLTEXTNZC Number Zip Caches = 21
2SCLTEXTNSH Number Startup Hint Entries = 0
2SCLTEXTNJC Number JCL Entries = 0
2SCLTEXTNST Number Stale classes = 0
2SCLTEXTPST Percent Stale classes = 0%
The classes section shows information about class loaders. The first part is a summary that records each available class loader (2CLTEXTCLLOADER
) followed by the number of libraries and classes that it loaded. This information is followed by a more detailed list of libraries (1CLTEXTCLLIB
) and classes (1CLTEXTCLLO
) that are loaded.
In the example you can see that the java/lang/InternalAnonymousClassLoader
loaded two classes, jdk/internal/loader/BuiltinClassLoader$$Lambda$2/00000000F03876A0(0x0000000001030F00)
and jdk/internal/loader/BuiltinClassLoader$$Lambda$1/00000000F00D2460(0x0000000001018A00)
NULL ------------------------------------------------------------------------
0SECTION CLASSES subcomponent dump routine
NULL =================================
1CLTEXTCLLOS Classloader summaries
1CLTEXTCLLSS 12345678: 1=primordial,2=extension,3=shareable,4=middleware,5=system,6=trusted,7=application,8=delegating
2CLTEXTCLLOADER p---st-- Loader *System*(0x00000000FFE1D258)
3CLNMBRLOADEDLIB Number of loaded libraries 5
3CLNMBRLOADEDCL Number of loaded classes 638
2CLTEXTCLLOADER -x--st-- Loader jdk/internal/loader/ClassLoaders$PlatformClassLoader(0x00000000FFE1D4F0), Parent *none*(0x0000000000000000)
3CLNMBRLOADEDLIB Number of loaded libraries 0
3CLNMBRLOADEDCL Number of loaded classes 0
2CLTEXTCLLOADER ----st-- Loader java/lang/InternalAnonymousClassLoader(0x00000000FFE1DFD0), Parent *none*(0x0000000000000000)
3CLNMBRLOADEDLIB Number of loaded libraries 0
3CLNMBRLOADEDCL Number of loaded classes 2
2CLTEXTCLLOADER -----ta- Loader jdk/internal/loader/ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader(0x00000000FFE1DAD0), Parent jdk/internal/loader/ClassLoaders$PlatformClassLoader(0x00000000FFE1D4F0)
3CLNMBRLOADEDLIB Number of loaded libraries 0
3CLNMBRLOADEDCL Number of loaded classes 0
1CLTEXTCLLIB ClassLoader loaded libraries
2CLTEXTCLLIB Loader *System*(0x00000000FFE1D258)
3CLTEXTLIB /home/me/openj9-openjdk-jdk9/build/linux-x86_64-normal-server-release/images/jdk/lib/compressedrefs/jclse9_29
3CLTEXTLIB /home/me/openj9-openjdk-jdk9/build/linux-x86_64-normal-server-release/images/jdk/lib/java
3CLTEXTLIB /home/me/openj9-openjdk-jdk9/build/linux-x86_64-normal-server-release/images/jdk/lib/compressedrefs/j9jit29
3CLTEXTLIB /home/me/openj9-openjdk-jdk9/build/linux-x86_64-normal-server-release/images/jdk/lib/zip
3CLTEXTLIB /home/me/openj9-openjdk-jdk9/build/linux-x86_64-normal-server-release/images/jdk/lib/nio
1CLTEXTCLLOD ClassLoader loaded classes
2CLTEXTCLLOAD Loader *System*(0x00000000FFE1D258)
3CLTEXTCLASS [Ljava/lang/Thread$State;(0x0000000001056400)
2CLTEXTCLLOAD Loader jdk/internal/loader/ClassLoaders$PlatformClassLoader(0x00000000FFE1D4F0)
2CLTEXTCLLOAD Loader java/lang/InternalAnonymousClassLoader(0x00000000FFE1DFD0)
3CLTEXTCLASS jdk/internal/loader/BuiltinClassLoader$$Lambda$2/00000000F03876A0(0x0000000001030F00)
3CLTEXTCLASS jdk/internal/loader/BuiltinClassLoader$$Lambda$1/00000000F00D2460(0x0000000001018A00)
2CLTEXTCLLOAD Loader jdk/internal/loader/ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader(0x00000000FFE1DAD0)
General Protection Fault
In this scenario, a Java application has crashed due to a General Protection Fault (GPF), automatically generating a Java dump file.
The first section of the file (TITLE) tells you that the GPF triggered the Java dump.
0SECTION TITLE subcomponent dump routine
NULL ===============================
1TISIGINFO Dump Event "gpf" (00002000) received
1TIDATETIMEUTC Date: 2021/04/23 at 18:02:44:017 (UTC)
1TIDATETIME Date: 2021/04/23 at 14:02:44:017
1TINANOTIME System nanotime: 379202644260787
1TIFILENAME Javacore filename: /home/test/JNICrasher/javacore.20210423.140244.29399.0002.txt
1TIREQFLAGS Request Flags: 0x81 (exclusive+preempt)
1TIPREPSTATE Prep State: 0x100 (trace_disabled)
1TIPREPINFO Exclusive VM access not taken: data may not be consistent across javacore sections
To troubleshoot this problem, you need to know which thread caused the GPF to occur. The thread that was running at the time of the crash is reported as the current thread in the THREADS section of the Java dump. Here is an extract from the THREADS section:
NULL ------------------------------------------------------------------------
0SECTION THREADS subcomponent dump routine
NULL =================================
1XMPOOLINFO JVM Thread pool info:
2XMPOOLTOTAL Current total number of pooled threads: 16
2XMPOOLLIVE Current total number of live threads: 15
2XMPOOLDAEMON Current total number of live daemon threads: 14
1XMCURTHDINFO Current thread
3XMTHREADINFO "main" J9VMThread:0xB6B60E00, omrthread_t:0xB6B049D8, java/lang/Thread:0xB55444D0, state:R, prio=5
3XMJAVALTHREAD (java/lang/Thread getId:0x1, isDaemon:false)
3XMTHREADINFO1 (native thread ID:0x72D8, native priority:0x5, native policy:UNKNOWN, vmstate:R, vm thread flags:0x00000000)
3XMTHREADINFO2 (native stack address range from:0xB6CE3000, to:0xB74E4000, size:0x801000)
3XMCPUTIME CPU usage total: 0.319865924 secs, current category="Application"
3XMHEAPALLOC Heap bytes allocated since last GC cycle=778008 (0xBDF18)
3XMTHREADINFO3 Java callstack:
4XESTACKTRACE at JNICrasher.doSomethingThatCrashes(Native Method)
4XESTACKTRACE at JNICrasher.main(
3XMTHREADINFO3 Native callstack:
4XENATIVESTACK (0xB6688083 [])
4XENATIVESTACK (0xB66740F1 [])
4XENATIVESTACK (0xB66726A9 [])
4XENATIVESTACK __kernel_rt_sigreturn+0x0 (0xB7747410)
4XENATIVESTACK (0xB75330B6 [])
4XENATIVESTACK ffi_raw_call+0xad (0xB7531C53 [])
4XENATIVESTACK (0xB6A15552 [])
4XENATIVESTACK (0xB6A30894 [])
4XENATIVESTACK (0xB6A30994 [])
4XENATIVESTACK (0xB770487D [])
4XENATIVESTACK (0xB7719F72 [])
4XENATIVESTACK clone+0x5e (0xB763543E [])
The extract tells you that the current thread was java/lang/Thread
, and information is provided about the Java call stack and native call stack
) at the point at which the crash occurred. To simulate a crash caused by a bug in an application, this example
calls a JNI method whose native implementation causes a crash. The Java call stack shows the call to the JNI native method (JNIcrasher
), and the
native call stack shows the point of failure. In this example, the native call stack does not include any function names to help you isolate the error
in the native code. You can get this information from a system dump, which is usually produced alongside the Java dump. Open the
system dump with the Dump viewer and use the info thread
command to print the Java and native stack for the current thread.
The next time you run the application, you can use the -XX:+ShowNativeStackSymbols=all command line option to display the corresponding function names in the native call stack.
4XENATIVESTACK protectedBacktrace+0x12 (0x00007F3F9213E312 [])
4XENATIVESTACK omrsig_protect+0x1e3 (0x00007F3F92142AD3 [])
4XENATIVESTACK omrintrospect_backtrace_thread_raw+0xbf (0x00007F3F9213E80F [])
4XENATIVESTACK omrsig_protect+0x1e3 (0x00007F3F92142AD3 [])
4XENATIVESTACK omrintrospect_backtrace_thread+0x70 (0x00007F3F9213E1D0 [])
4XENATIVESTACK setup_native_thread+0x1d2 (0x00007F3F9213F652 [])
4XENATIVESTACK omrintrospect_threads_startDo_with_signal+0x474 (0x00007F3F921403F4 [])
4XENATIVESTACK omrsig_protect+0x1e3 (0x00007F3F92142AD3 [])
Java OutOfMemoryError
In this scenario, the Java heap runs out of memory, causing an OutOfMemoryError
, which automatically generates a Java dump file.
The first section of the file (TITLE) tells you that a systhrow
event triggered the Java dump as a result of an OOM (java/lang/OutOfMemoryError
) for
Java heap space.
0SECTION TITLE subcomponent dump routine
NULL ===============================
1TISIGINFO Dump Event "systhrow" (00040000) Detail "java/lang/OutOfMemoryError" "Java heap space" received
1TIDATETIMEUTC Date: 2021/04/23 at 18:02:44:017 (UTC)
1TIDATETIME Date: 2021/04/23 at 14:02:44:017
1TINANOTIME System nanotime: 379202644260787
1TIFILENAME Javacore filename: /home/cheesemp/test/javacore.20210423.140244.18885.0003.txt
1TIREQFLAGS Request Flags: 0x81 (exclusive+preempt)
1TIPREPSTATE Prep State: 0x104 (exclusive_vm_access+trace_disabled)
The MEMINFO section records how much memory is allocated to the Java heap (1STHEAPTYPE Object Memory
), how much is in use, and how much is free. Solving
your problem might be as simple as setting a larger heap size when you start your application.
If you don't know what size the Java heap was set to, you might find that information in the ENVINFO section, which records the command-line options that
were used when the application started. Look or search for the 1CIUSERARGS UserArgs:
string and review the entries that are recorded for all lines that
. The Java heap size is set by the -Xmx
option. If the size has not been set on the command line by -Xmx
, the default value applies, which
you can find in Default Settings.
In this scenario, the solution to the problem is not an adjustment to the Java heap size. Here is the MEMINFO section:
0SECTION MEMINFO subcomponent dump routine
NULL =================================
1STHEAPTYPE Object Memory
NULL id start end size space/region
1STHEAPSPACE 0xB6B49D20 -- -- -- Generational
1STHEAPREGION 0xB6B4A078 0x95750000 0xB5470000 0x1FD20000 Generational/Tenured Region
1STHEAPREGION 0xB6B49F10 0xB5470000 0xB54C0000 0x00050000 Generational/Nursery Region
1STHEAPREGION 0xB6B49DA8 0xB54C0000 0xB5750000 0x00290000 Generational/Nursery Region
1STHEAPTOTAL Total memory: 536870912 (0x20000000)
1STHEAPINUSE Total memory in use: 302603160 (0x12095B98)
1STHEAPFREE Total memory free: 234267752 (0x0DF6A468)
The output shows that only 56% of the Java heap is in use, so this suggests that the application is trying to do something suboptimal. To investigate further, you need to work out which thread was the current thread when the OOM occurred to see what it was trying to do. As in the previous scenario, you can find the current thread in the THREADS section. Here is an extract from the output:
0SECTION THREADS subcomponent dump routine
NULL =================================
1XMPOOLINFO JVM Thread pool info:
2XMPOOLTOTAL Current total number of pooled threads: 16
2XMPOOLLIVE Current total number of live threads: 16
2XMPOOLDAEMON Current total number of live daemon threads: 15
1XMCURTHDINFO Current thread
3XMTHREADINFO "main" J9VMThread:0xB6B60C00, omrthread_t:0xB6B049D8, java/lang/Thread:0x95764520, state:R, prio=5
3XMJAVALTHREAD (java/lang/Thread getId:0x1, isDaemon:false)
3XMTHREADINFO1 (native thread ID:0x49C6, native priority:0x5, native policy:UNKNOWN, vmstate:R, vm thread flags:0x00001020)
3XMTHREADINFO2 (native stack address range from:0xB6CB5000, to:0xB74B6000, size:0x801000)
3XMCPUTIME CPU usage total: 8.537823831 secs, current category="Application"
3XMHEAPALLOC Heap bytes allocated since last GC cycle=0 (0x0)
3XMTHREADINFO3 Java callstack:
4XESTACKTRACE at java/lang/StringBuffer.ensureCapacityImpl(
4XESTACKTRACE at java/lang/StringBuffer.append( Code))
5XESTACKTRACE (entered lock: java/lang/StringBuffer@0x957645B8, entry count: 1)
4XESTACKTRACE at java/lang/StringBuffer.append( Code))
4XESTACKTRACE at HeapBreaker.main( Code))
3XMTHREADINFO3 Native callstack:
4XENATIVESTACK (0xB6C53216 [])
To simulate a Java OutOfMemoryError
, this example application repeatedly appends characters to a StringBuffer
object in an infinite loop. The Java call stack shows the HeapBreaker.main
method appending characters (java/lang/StringGuffer.append
) until the method java/lang/StringBuffer.ensureCapacityImpl()
throws the OutOfMemoryError
StringBuffer objects are wrappers for character arrays (char[]
) and when the capacity of the underlying array is reached, the contents are automatically copied into a new, larger array. The new array is created in the StringBuffer.ensureCapacity()
method, which more or less doubles the size of the old array. In this scenario, the array takes up all the remaining space in the Java heap.
The MEMINFO section of the Java dump file can also tell you when an unexpectedly large allocation request causes an OOM. Look for the GC History (1STGCHTYPE
) section, which details allocation requests that trigger GC activity. In the sample output you can see that a large allocation request (requestedbytes=603979784
) triggered a global GC. When the GC could not free up sufficient space in the heap to satisfy the request, the allocation failure generated the OOM.
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:580239000 GMT j9mm.101 - J9AllocateIndexableObject() returning NULL! 0 bytes requested for object of class B6BBC300 from memory space 'Generational' id=B6B49D20
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:579916000 GMT j9mm.134 - Allocation failure end: newspace=2686912/3014656 oldspace=231597224/533856256 loa=5338112/5338112
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:579905000 GMT j9mm.470 - Allocation failure cycle end: newspace=2686912/3014656 oldspace=231597224/533856256 loa=5338112/5338112
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:579859000 GMT j9mm.475 - GlobalGC end: workstackoverflow=0 overflowcount=0 memory=234284136/536870912
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:579807000 GMT j9mm.90 - GlobalGC collect complete
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:579776000 GMT j9mm.137 - Compact end: bytesmoved=301989896
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:313899000 GMT j9mm.136 - Compact start: reason=compact to meet allocation
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:313555000 GMT j9mm.57 - Sweep end
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:310772000 GMT j9mm.56 - Sweep start
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:310765000 GMT j9mm.94 - Class unloading end: classloadersunloaded=0 classesunloaded=0
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:310753000 GMT j9mm.60 - Class unloading start
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:310750000 GMT j9mm.55 - Mark end
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:306013000 GMT j9mm.54 - Mark start
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:305957000 GMT j9mm.474 - GlobalGC start: globalcount=9
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:305888000 GMT j9mm.475 - GlobalGC end: workstackoverflow=0 overflowcount=0 memory=234284136/536870912
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:305837000 GMT j9mm.90 - GlobalGC collect complete
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:305808000 GMT j9mm.137 - Compact end: bytesmoved=189784
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:298042000 GMT j9mm.136 - Compact start: reason=compact to meet allocation
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:297695000 GMT j9mm.57 - Sweep end
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:291696000 GMT j9mm.56 - Sweep start
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:291692000 GMT j9mm.55 - Mark end
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:284994000 GMT j9mm.54 - Mark start
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:284941000 GMT j9mm.474 - GlobalGC start: globalcount=8
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:284916000 GMT j9mm.135 - Exclusive access: exclusiveaccessms=0.016 meanexclusiveaccessms=0.016 threads=0 lastthreadtid=0xB6B61100 beatenbyotherthread=0
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:284914000 GMT j9mm.469 - Allocation failure cycle start: newspace=2678784/3014656 oldspace=80601248/533856256 loa=5338112/5338112 requestedbytes=603979784
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:284893000 GMT j9mm.470 - Allocation failure cycle end: newspace=2678784/3014656 oldspace=80601248/533856256 loa=5338112/5338112
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:284858000 GMT j9mm.560 - LocalGC end: rememberedsetoverflow=0 causedrememberedsetoverflow=0 scancacheoverflow=0 failedflipcount=0 failedflipbytes=0 failedtenurecount=0 failedtenurebytes=0 flipcount=2 flipbytes=64 newspace=2678784/3014656 oldspace=80601248/533856256 loa=5338112/5338112 tenureage=0
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:284140000 GMT j9mm.140 - Tilt ratio: 89
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:283160000 GMT j9mm.64 - LocalGC start: globalcount=8 scavengecount=335 weakrefs=0 soft=0 phantom=0 finalizers=0
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:283123000 GMT j9mm.135 - Exclusive access: exclusiveaccessms=0.016 meanexclusiveaccessms=0.016 threads=0 lastthreadtid=0xB6B61100 beatenbyotherthread=0
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:283120000 GMT j9mm.469 - Allocation failure cycle start: newspace=753616/3014656 oldspace=80601248/533856256 loa=5338112/5338112 requestedbytes=603979784
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:283117000 GMT j9mm.133 - Allocation failure start: newspace=753616/3014656 oldspace=80601248/533856256 loa=5338112/5338112 requestedbytes=603979784
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:269762000 GMT j9mm.134 - Allocation failure end: newspace=2686928/3014656 oldspace=80601248/533856256 loa=5338112/5338112
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:269751000 GMT j9mm.470 - Allocation failure cycle end: newspace=2686976/3014656 oldspace=80601248/533856256 loa=5338112/5338112
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:269718000 GMT j9mm.560 - LocalGC end: rememberedsetoverflow=0 causedrememberedsetoverflow=0 scancacheoverflow=0 failedflipcount=0 failedflipbytes=0 failedtenurecount=0 failedtenurebytes=0 flipcount=0 flipbytes=0 newspace=2686976/3014656 oldspace=80601248/533856256 loa=5338112/5338112 tenureage=0
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:268981000 GMT j9mm.140 - Tilt ratio: 89
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:268007000 GMT j9mm.64 - LocalGC start: globalcount=8 scavengecount=334 weakrefs=0 soft=0 phantom=0 finalizers=0
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:267969000 GMT j9mm.135 - Exclusive access: exclusiveaccessms=0.016 meanexclusiveaccessms=0.016 threads=0 lastthreadtid=0xB6B61100 beatenbyotherthread=0
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:267966000 GMT j9mm.469 - Allocation failure cycle start: newspace=0/3014656 oldspace=80601248/533856256 loa=5338112/5338112 requestedbytes=48
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:267963000 GMT j9mm.133 - Allocation failure start: newspace=0/3014656 oldspace=80601248/533856256 loa=5338112/5338112 requestedbytes=48
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:249015000 GMT j9mm.134 - Allocation failure end: newspace=2686928/3014656 oldspace=80601248/533856256 loa=5338112/5338112
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:249003000 GMT j9mm.470 - Allocation failure cycle end: newspace=2686976/3014656 oldspace=80601248/533856256 loa=5338112/5338112
3STHSTTYPE 14:29:29:248971000 GMT j9mm.560 - LocalGC end: rememberedsetoverflow=0 causedrememberedsetoverflow=0 scancacheoverflow=0 failedflipcount=0 failedflipbytes=0 failedtenurecount=0 failedtenurebytes=0 flipcount=0 flipbytes=0 newspace=2686976/3014656 oldspace=80601248/533856256 loa=5338112/5338112 tenureage=0
Although the Java code that was used in this scenario deliberately triggered an OutOfMemoryError
in a pronounced way, similar allocation issues can and do occur when dealing with large data sets such as XML files.
The next step in diagnosing the problem is to open the system dump that gets generated automatically when an OutOfMemoryError
occurs. Open
the dump with the Eclipse Memory Analyzer™ tool (MAT) and search for the StringBuffer
object, which should provide further clues about what went wrong. A common example is seeing the same String
duplicated over and over again, which might indicate that code is stuck in a loop.
Note: If you want to use MAT to analyze your system dump, you must install the Diagnostic Tool Framework for Java (DTFJ) plug-in in the Eclipse IDE. Select the following menu items:
Help > Install New Software > Work with "IBM Diagnostic Tool Framework for Java" >
If, unlike the previous scenario, you receive an OutOfMemoryError
and the MEMINFO section shows that there is very little space left
on the Java heap, the current thread information is typically not important. The current thread is simply the thread that happened to be current when the space ran out. In this situation, you might want to increase your Java heap size. For help with this task, see How to do heap sizing.
Native OutOfMemoryError
In this scenario, the VM runs out of native memory. Native memory is memory that is used by the VM for storing all virtualized resources and data that it needs for VM operations. Native memory that is available to the VM process is limited by the operating system. The native memory available to the VM might also be subject to additional limits imposed by the operating system, for example Unix ulimits
When a NativeOutOfMemoryError
occurs, a Java dump is generated by default. The first section of the file (TITLE) tells you that a systhrow event triggered the Java dump as a result of an OOM (java/lang/OutOfMemoryError
) for native memory.
0SECTION TITLE subcomponent dump routine
NULL ===============================
1TISIGINFO Dump Event "systhrow" (00040000) Detail "java/lang/OutOfMemoryError" "native memory exhausted" received
1TIDATETIMEUTC Date: 2021/04/23 at 18:02:44:017 (UTC)
1TIDATETIME Date: 2021/04/23 at 14:02:44:017
1TINANOTIME System nanotime: 379202644260787
1TIFILENAME Javacore filename: /home/cheesemp/test/javacore.20210423.140244.19708.0003.txt
1TIREQFLAGS Request Flags: 0x81 (exclusive+preempt)
1TIPREPSTATE Prep State: 0x104 (exclusive_vm_access+trace_disabled)
Sometimes, the current thread is responsible for causing the NativeOutOfMemoryError
. Information about the current thread can be found in the THREADS section, as shown in the following output.
0SECTION THREADS subcomponent dump routine
NULL =================================
1XMPOOLINFO JVM Thread pool info:
2XMPOOLTOTAL Current total number of pooled threads: 16
2XMPOOLLIVE Current total number of live threads: 16
2XMPOOLDAEMON Current total number of live daemon threads: 15
1XMCURTHDINFO Current thread
3XMTHREADINFO "main" J9VMThread:0xB6C60C00, omrthread_t:0xB6C049D8, java/lang/Thread:0xB55E3C10, state:R, prio=5
3XMJAVALTHREAD (java/lang/Thread getId:0x1, isDaemon:false)
3XMTHREADINFO1 (native thread ID:0x4CFD, native priority:0x5, native policy:UNKNOWN, vmstate:R, vm thread flags:0x00001020)
3XMTHREADINFO2 (native stack address range from:0xB6D4E000, to:0xB754F000, size:0x801000)
3XMCPUTIME CPU usage total: 3.654896026 secs, current category="Application"
3XMHEAPALLOC Heap bytes allocated since last GC cycle=0 (0x0)
3XMTHREADINFO3 Java callstack:
4XESTACKTRACE at sun/misc/Unsafe.allocateDBBMemory(Native Method)
4XESTACKTRACE at java/nio/DirectByteBuffer.<init>( Code))
4XESTACKTRACE at java/nio/ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(
4XESTACKTRACE at NativeHeapBreaker.main(
3XMTHREADINFO3 Native callstack:
4XENATIVESTACK Java_sun_misc_Unsafe_allocateDBBMemory+0x88 (0xB5827F6B [])
4XENATIVESTACK (0x94A2084A [<unknown>+0x0])
4XENATIVESTACK (0xB7784F72 [])
4XENATIVESTACK clone+0x5e (0xB76A043E [])
For clarity in the Native callstack
output, ...
indicates that some lines are removed.
The Java call stack shows the transition from Java to native code (sun/misc/Unsafe.allocateDBBMemory(Native Method)
), indicating a request for Direct Byte Buffer (DBB) storage. DBB storage is backed by native memory, with the Java heap containing only a reference to the native heap buffer. In this scenario, DBB storage is the likely culprit for this NativeOutOfMemoryError
The next step is to investigate the NATIVEMEMINFO section of the Java dump file, which reports the amount of memory used by the JRE process, broken down into component areas.
0SECTION NATIVEMEMINFO subcomponent dump routine
NULL =================================
1MEMUSER JRE: 3,166,386,688 bytes / 4388 allocations
2MEMUSER +--VM: 563,176,824 bytes / 1518 allocations
3MEMUSER | +--Classes: 3,104,416 bytes / 120 allocations
3MEMUSER | +--Memory Manager (GC): 548,181,888 bytes / 398 allocations
3MEMUSER | | |
4MEMUSER | | +--Java Heap: 536,932,352 bytes / 1 allocation
3MEMUSER | | |
4MEMUSER | | +--Other: 11,249,536 bytes / 397 allocations
3MEMUSER | +--Threads: 10,817,120 bytes / 147 allocations
3MEMUSER | | |
4MEMUSER | | +--Java Stack: 115,584 bytes / 16 allocations
3MEMUSER | | |
4MEMUSER | | +--Native Stack: 10,616,832 bytes / 17 allocations
3MEMUSER | | |
4MEMUSER | | +--Other: 84,704 bytes / 114 allocations
3MEMUSER | +--Trace: 163,688 bytes / 268 allocations
3MEMUSER | +--JVMTI: 17,320 bytes / 13 allocations
3MEMUSER | +--JNI: 23,296 bytes / 55 allocations
3MEMUSER | +--Port Library: 8,576 bytes / 74 allocations
3MEMUSER | +--Other: 860,520 bytes / 443 allocations
2MEMUSER +--JIT: 3,744,728 bytes / 122 allocations
3MEMUSER | +--JIT Code Cache: 2,097,152 bytes / 1 allocation
3MEMUSER | +--JIT Data Cache: 524,336 bytes / 1 allocation
3MEMUSER | +--Other: 1,123,240 bytes / 120 allocations
2MEMUSER +--Class Libraries: 2,599,463,024 bytes / 2732 allocations
3MEMUSER | +--Harmony Class Libraries: 1,024 bytes / 1 allocation
3MEMUSER | +--VM Class Libraries: 2,599,462,000 bytes / 2731 allocations
3MEMUSER | | |
4MEMUSER | | +--sun.misc.Unsafe: 2,598,510,480 bytes / 2484 allocations
4MEMUSER | | | |
5MEMUSER | | | +--Direct Byte Buffers: 2,598,510,480 bytes / 2484 allocations
3MEMUSER | | |
4MEMUSER | | +--Other: 951,520 bytes / 247 allocations
2MEMUSER +--Unknown: 2,112 bytes / 16 allocations
In the VM Class Libraries
section, the amount of memory allocated for Direct Byte Buffers
is shown. Because the NativeOutOfMemoryError
was received on a small 32-bit system, a value of 2,598,510,480 bytes
indicates that the operating system has run out of memory. On a larger UNIX® system, the process might have run out of memory because of the ulimit
setting. Increasing the value for ulimit
might avoid the error, which you can do temporarily by setting ulimit -f unlimited
in your current session.
The theoretical maximum size for a 32-bit process is the size of the 32-bit address space, which is 4 GB. On most operating systems, a portion of the address space for each process is used by the kernel, such that the real limit for 32-bit processes is actually significantly less than 4 GB. As a result, running out of native memory with a 32-bit VM is quite common.
The same 4 GB limit is also important if you are using a 64-bit VM with compressed references. In compressed references mode, all references to objects, classes, threads, and monitors are represented by 32-bit values for performance reasons, so these structures can be allocated only at 32-bit addresses. However, the operating system might place other allocations within this 4 GB of address space, and if this area becomes sufficiently full or fragmented, the VM throws a native NativeOutOfMemoryError
error. These errors typically occur when the VM tries to create a new thread or load a class. The Current Thread History section should contain more information about what the thread was doing at the VM level when the NativeOutOfMemoryError
error occurred.
You can usually avoid this type of problem by using the -Xmcrs
option to reserve a contiguous area of memory within the lowest 4 GB of memory at VM startup.
Another common cause of a NativeOutOfMemoryError
is when an application loads duplicate classes. Classes are allocated outside of the Java heap in native memory. If the value reported for Classes
in the NATIVEMEMINFO section is very large, duplicate classes might be the cause of your problem. The Eclipse Memory Analyzer tool (MAT) can tell you if you have duplicate classes by using the Class Loader Explorer feature. Because a system dump is automatically generated as well as a Java dump in response to a NativeOutOfMemoryError
, simply open the system dump in MAT to continue your diagnosis.
Deadlocks occur when two threads attempt to synchronize on an object and lock an instance of a class. When this happens, your application stops responding and hangs. Generating a Java dump file will quickly tell you whether you have a deadlock situation. Trigger the Java dump by sending a SIGQUIT signal (kill -3
) to the VM.
The VM can detect the most common types of deadlock scenario involving Java monitors. If this type of deadlock is detected, information is provided in the LOCKS section. More complex deadlocks, including those that involve a mixture of native mutexes and Java monitors, are not detected.
Here is the output from the code that was used to cause a common deadlock scenario:
1LKDEADLOCK Deadlock detected !!!
NULL ---------------------
2LKDEADLOCKTHR Thread "Worker Thread 2" (0x94501D00)
3LKDEADLOCKWTR is waiting for:
4LKDEADLOCKMON sys_mon_t:0x08C2B344 infl_mon_t: 0x08C2B384:
4LKDEADLOCKOBJ java/lang/Object@0xB5666698
3LKDEADLOCKOWN which is owned by:
2LKDEADLOCKTHR Thread "Worker Thread 3" (0x94507500)
3LKDEADLOCKWTR which is waiting for:
4LKDEADLOCKMON sys_mon_t:0x08C2B3A0 infl_mon_t: 0x08C2B3E0:
4LKDEADLOCKOBJ java/lang/Object@0xB5666678
3LKDEADLOCKOWN which is owned by:
2LKDEADLOCKTHR Thread "Worker Thread 1" (0x92A3EC00)
3LKDEADLOCKWTR which is waiting for:
4LKDEADLOCKMON sys_mon_t:0x08C2B2E8 infl_mon_t: 0x08C2B328:
4LKDEADLOCKOBJ java/lang/Object@0xB5666688
3LKDEADLOCKOWN which is owned by:
2LKDEADLOCKTHR Thread "Worker Thread 2" (0x94501D00)
This output tells you that Worker Thread 2
is waiting for Worker Thread 3
, which is waiting for Worker Thread 1
. Because Worker Thread 1
is also waiting for Worker Thread 2
, there is a deadlock. The next place to look is the output for Java and native stacks, in the THREADS section. By looking at the stack for each of these worker threads, you can trace the problem back to specific lines in your application code.
In this example, you can see from the following output that for all worker threads, the stack traces (4XESTACKTRACE
) indicate a problem in line 35 of the application
3XMTHREADINFO "Worker Thread 1" J9VMThread:0x92A3EC00, omrthread_t:0x92A3C2B0, java/lang/Thread:0xB5666778, state:B, prio=5
3XMJAVALTHREAD (java/lang/Thread getId:0x13, isDaemon:false)
3XMTHREADINFO1 (native thread ID:0x52CF, native priority:0x5, native policy:UNKNOWN, vmstate:B, vm thread flags:0x00000201)
3XMTHREADINFO2 (native stack address range from:0x9297E000, to:0x929BF000, size:0x41000)
3XMCPUTIME CPU usage total: 0.004365543 secs, current category="Application"
3XMTHREADBLOCK Blocked on: java/lang/Object@0xB5666688 Owned by: "Worker Thread 2" (J9VMThread:0x94501D00, java/lang/Thread:0xB56668D0)
3XMHEAPALLOC Heap bytes allocated since last GC cycle=0 (0x0)
3XMTHREADINFO3 Java callstack:
5XESTACKTRACE (entered lock: java/lang/Object@0xB5666678, entry count: 1)
3XMTHREADINFO "Worker Thread 2" J9VMThread:0x94501D00, omrthread_t:0x92A3C8F0, java/lang/Thread:0xB56668D0, state:B, prio=5
3XMJAVALTHREAD (java/lang/Thread getId:0x14, isDaemon:false)
3XMTHREADINFO1 (native thread ID:0x52D0, native priority:0x5, native policy:UNKNOWN, vmstate:B, vm thread flags:0x00000201)
3XMTHREADINFO2 (native stack address range from:0x946BF000, to:0x94700000, size:0x41000)
3XMCPUTIME CPU usage total: 0.004555580 secs, current category="Application"
3XMTHREADBLOCK Blocked on: java/lang/Object@0xB5666698 Owned by: "Worker Thread 3" (J9VMThread:0x94507500, java/lang/Thread:0xB5666A18)
3XMHEAPALLOC Heap bytes allocated since last GC cycle=0 (0x0)
3XMTHREADINFO3 Java callstack:
5XESTACKTRACE (entered lock: java/lang/Object@0xB5666688, entry count: 1)
3XMTHREADINFO "Worker Thread 3" J9VMThread:0x94507500, omrthread_t:0x92A3CC10, java/lang/Thread:0xB5666A18, state:B, prio=5
3XMJAVALTHREAD (java/lang/Thread getId:0x15, isDaemon:false)
3XMTHREADINFO1 (native thread ID:0x52D1, native priority:0x5, native policy:UNKNOWN, vmstate:B, vm thread flags:0x00000201)
3XMTHREADINFO2 (native stack address range from:0x9467E000, to:0x946BF000, size:0x41000)
3XMCPUTIME CPU usage total: 0.003657010 secs, current category="Application"
3XMTHREADBLOCK Blocked on: java/lang/Object@0xB5666678 Owned by: "Worker Thread 1" (J9VMThread:0x92A3EC00, java/lang/Thread:0xB5666778)
3XMHEAPALLOC Heap bytes allocated since last GC cycle=0 (0x0)
3XMTHREADINFO3 Java callstack:
5XESTACKTRACE (entered lock: java/lang/Object@0xB5666698, entry count: 1)
An application can hang for a number of reasons but the most common cause is excessive global garbage collection (GC) activity, where your application is repeatedly paused because your Java heap has almost run out of memory. You can identify this problem by looking at verbose GC output. Collect this output by specifying the -verbose:gc
Deadlock situations can also manifest themselves as hangs. For more information on diagnosing this type of problem from a Java dump, see the deadlock scenario.
If you have eliminated verbose GC activity and deadlocks, another common hang scenario involves threads that compete and wait for Java object locks. This type of problem can usually be diagnosed by examining a Java dump. The simplest hang scenario involving Java object locks is where a thread acquires a lock that other threads are waiting for, but it doesn't release the lock for some reason.
The first place to look in the Java dump output is the LOCKS section. This section lists all the monitors and shows which threads have acquired a lock and which threads are waiting. If the hang is caused by a thread not releasing a lock that other threads need, you can see a list of waiting threads in the output.
In this example scenario, the Java dump LOCKS section shows that Worker Thread 0
) has acquired a lock and there are 19 other worker threads waiting to obtain the lock.
NULL ------------------------------------------------------------------------
0SECTION LOCKS subcomponent dump routine
NULL ===============================
1LKPOOLINFO Monitor pool info:
2LKPOOLTOTAL Current total number of monitors: 1
1LKMONPOOLDUMP Monitor Pool Dump (flat & inflated object-monitors):
2LKMONINUSE sys_mon_t:0x92711200 infl_mon_t: 0x92711240:
3LKMONOBJECT java/lang/Object@0xB56658D8: Flat locked by "Worker Thread 0" (J9VMThread:0x92A3EC00), entry count 1
3LKWAITERQ Waiting to enter:
3LKWAITER "Worker Thread 1" (J9VMThread:0x92703F00)
3LKWAITER "Worker Thread 2" (J9VMThread:0x92709C00)
3LKWAITER "Worker Thread 3" (J9VMThread:0x92710A00)
3LKWAITER "Worker Thread 4" (J9VMThread:0x92717F00)
3LKWAITER "Worker Thread 5" (J9VMThread:0x9271DC00)
3LKWAITER "Worker Thread 6" (J9VMThread:0x92723A00)
3LKWAITER "Worker Thread 7" (J9VMThread:0x92729800)
3LKWAITER "Worker Thread 8" (J9VMThread:0x92733700)
3LKWAITER "Worker Thread 9" (J9VMThread:0x92739400)
3LKWAITER "Worker Thread 10" (J9VMThread:0x92740200)
3LKWAITER "Worker Thread 11" (J9VMThread:0x92748100)
3LKWAITER "Worker Thread 12" (J9VMThread:0x9274DF00)
3LKWAITER "Worker Thread 13" (J9VMThread:0x92754D00)
3LKWAITER "Worker Thread 14" (J9VMThread:0x9275AA00)
3LKWAITER "Worker Thread 15" (J9VMThread:0x92760800)
3LKWAITER "Worker Thread 16" (J9VMThread:0x92766600)
3LKWAITER "Worker Thread 17" (J9VMThread:0x9276C300)
3LKWAITER "Worker Thread 18" (J9VMThread:0x92773100)
3LKWAITER "Worker Thread 19" (J9VMThread:0x92778F00)
The next step is to determine why Worker Thread 0
is not releasing the lock. The best place to start is the stack trace for this thread, which you can find by searching on the thread name or J9VMThread ID in the THREADS section.
The following extract shows the details for "Worker Thread 0" (J9VMThread:0x92A3EC00)
3XMTHREADINFO "Worker Thread 0" J9VMThread:0x92A3EC00, omrthread_t:0x92A3C280, java/lang/Thread:0xB56668B8, state:CW, prio=5
3XMJAVALTHREAD (java/lang/Thread getId:0x13, isDaemon:false)
3XMTHREADINFO1 (native thread ID:0x511F, native priority:0x5, native policy:UNKNOWN, vmstate:CW, vm thread flags:0x00000401)
3XMTHREADINFO2 (native stack address range from:0x9297E000, to:0x929BF000, size:0x41000)
3XMCPUTIME CPU usage total: 0.000211878 secs, current category="Application"
3XMHEAPALLOC Heap bytes allocated since last GC cycle=0 (0x0)
3XMTHREADINFO3 Java callstack:
4XESTACKTRACE at java/lang/Thread.sleep(Native Method)
4XESTACKTRACE at java/lang/Thread.sleep(
4XESTACKTRACE at WorkerThread.doWork(
5XESTACKTRACE (entered lock: java/lang/Object@0xB56658D8, entry count: 1)
In the last line of this output, you can see where the thread acquired the lock. Working up from this line, you can see that
was called, which in turn called WorkerThread.doWork
. The stack shows that the thread then entered a call to java/lang/Thread.sleep
in on line 37, which is preventing the thread from completing its work and releasing the lock. In this example, the sleep
call was added to induce a hang, but in real-world scenarios the cause could be any blocking operation, such as reading from an input stream or socket. Another possibility is that the thread is waiting for another lock owned by yet another thread.
It is important to remember that each Java dump represents a single snapshot in time. You should generate at least three Java dumps separated by a short pause, for example 30 seconds, and compare the output. This comparison tells you whether the threads involved are stuck in a fixed state or whether they are moving.
In this example, the threads do not move and the investigation needs to focus on the logic in WorkerThread.doWork
to understand why Worker Thread 0
entered the java/lang/Thread.sleep
Another common scenario is where each Java dump shows a number of threads waiting for a lock owned by another thread, but the list of waiting threads and the lock-owning thread change over time. In this case, the cause is likely to be a bottleneck caused by thread contention, where the threads are continually competing for the same lock. In severe cases, the lock is held only for a small amount of time but there are lots of threads trying to obtain it. Because more time is spent handling the lock and scheduling the thread than executing application code, the degradation in performance is manifested as a hang. Thread contention is usually caused by an application design problem. You can use a similar approach to the one used in this scenario to determine which lines of code are responsible for the contention.