Class BlockPrematchHandle

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BlockPrematchHandle extends Object implements IPrematchHandle
This class first caches all the lines. The cache will be cleaned if it encounters an empty line and cache will be restarted. The cached lines will be released once it is asked to do so.

  • Constructor Details

    • BlockPrematchHandle

      public BlockPrematchHandle()
  • Method Details

    • process

      public void process(String s)
      Description copied from interface: IPrematchHandle
      This is for the prematch handle to process the incoming string (such as cache it, trim it, etc).

      Specified by:
      process in interface IPrematchHandle
      s -
    • release

      public String release()
      Description copied from interface: IPrematchHandle
      This is to release the string. Note, depending on the actual implementation of the pre-match handle, the released string can have multiple lines.

      Specified by:
      release in interface IPrematchHandle
      a String object.