Module openj9.dtfj

Class BufferedMemory

All Implemented Interfaces:
IAddressSpace, IMemory, IProcess

public class BufferedMemory extends AbstractMemory implements IProcess, IAddressSpace
Object representing a single live process model where a section of memory in a the process can be represented in a byte buffer as its source
See Also:
  • invalid reference
    Can be used for inspection of the
     scc, without the need of a core file
     For example in the following, it is
     used to inspect romMethods:
     BufferedMemory memory = new BufferedMemory(ByteOrder.nativeOrder());
     IVMData aVMData = VMDataFactory.getVMData((IProcess)memory);
     //this address denotes the beginning of range of interest, not shown here
     memory.addMemorySource(new BufferedMemorySource(sourceStartAddress, size));
     public class SomeDebugHandler {
             //can fetch this address from a ROMClass Cookie
             J9ROMClassPointer pointer = J9ROMClassPointer.cast(romStartAddress);
             J9ROMMethodPointer romMethod = pointer.romMethods();
             long dumpFlags = (ByteOrder.nativeOrder() == ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN) ? 1 : 0;
             J9BCUtil.j9bcutil_dumpRomMethod(System.out, romMethod, pointer, dumpFlags, J9BCUtil.BCUtil_DumpAnnotations);
     Behaviour of the model is not defined
     for the case where the underlying source's
     ByteBuffer is modified (address or capacity)
     during use.