Module openj9.dtfj
ClassDescriptionA wrapper around the functionality that we require from RandomAccessFiles but with the added auto-closing functionality that we require.Used by the core readers when they recognize a core file as a certain type but know that it is damaged and unusableThis class is the superclass of all exceptions thrown by Dump classesThis class represents a single "generic" thread within the dump and is basically a data holding class (together with a toString() that allows a nice view of the classIndicates that an attempt was made to access memory which is not included within the imageDumps contain lots of memory - segmented across a range of virtual addresses.......NativeThreadContext based on ThreadContext class from Sovereign basically used to help try and generalize stack traversalstruct and constant reference: /usr/include/elf.hSimple paging cache, to speedup getMemoryBytesRepresents a register for a thread.Class to maintain a list of addresses and coverage extents and a symbolic name - then given an input address will convert this into a string showing offset from the symbol.