Module openj9.jvm

Class Stats

  • public class Stats
    extends Object
    This class is used provide the following java heap and system statistics:
    • committed heap memory
    • used heap memory
    • max heap memory
    • softmx heap memory
    • free physical memory
    • total physical memory
    All this info is retrieved without any allocation of new objects.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Stats

        public Stats()
        Construct a new instance.
    • Method Detail

      • setFields

        public void setFields​(long committed,
                              long used,
                              long max,
                              long free,
                              long tot,
                              double sysLoadAvg,
                              long cpuTime,
                              long softmxHeap)
        To avoid allocating new objects, this function merely sets the member variables of this class as it is called from a native.
        committed - is the committed heap size (bytes)
        used - is the amount of used memory on the java heap (bytes)
        max - is the maximum bound of the java heap (bytes)
        free - is the amount of free physical memory (bytes)
        tot - is the amount of total physical memory (bytes)
        sysLoadAvg - is the system load average in decimal (capacity of cpu)
        cpuTime - is the time elapsed since the start of the jvm process
        softmxHeap - is the softmx heap value (-Xsoftmx or changed from MemoryMXBean) value in bytes
      • getCommittedHeap

        public long getCommittedHeap()
        the committed heap (reserved memory) in bytes
      • getUsedHeap

        public long getUsedHeap()
        how much of the java heap is used by the application in bytes
      • getMaxHeap

        public long getMaxHeap()
        the maximum java heap memory that can be used by the jvm application (-Xmx) in bytes
      • getSoftmxHeap

        public long getSoftmxHeap()
        the softmx java heap memory (set by -Xsoftmx or from the MemoryMXBean.setMaxHeapSize)
      • getFreePhysicalMem

        public long getFreePhysicalMem()
        the amount of free physical memory in bytes
      • getTotPhysicalMem

        public long getTotPhysicalMem()
        the total amount of physical memory in bytes
      • getSysLoadAvg

        public double getSysLoadAvg()
        the system load average in last minute (fraction)
      • getCpuTime

        public long getCpuTime()
        Returns total amount of time the process has been scheduled or executed so far in both kernel and user modes.
        time in 100 ns units, or -1 in the case of an error or if this metric is not supported for this operating system.
      • getStats

        public void getStats()
        Native method used to retrieve the heap/OS stats.