Module openj9.dtfj

Interface ClassListener

  • public interface ClassListener
    A subset of the ASM ClassVisitor and AnnotationVisitor methods on a single interface to allow specific visitor actions to be carried out.
    • Method Detail

      • visit

        void visit​(int version,
                   int access,
                   String name,
                   String signature,
                   String superName,
                   String[] interfaces)
      • visitAnnotation

        void visitAnnotation​(String classname,
                             boolean visible)
      • visitAnnotationValue

        void visitAnnotationValue​(String name,
                                  Object value)
      • scanComplete

        void scanComplete​(Entry entry)
      • getPluginList

        Set<PluginConfig> getPluginList()
        List the plugins that have been found by this listener for inclusion into the context to be returned to the user.
        list of plugins found, an empty list or null if there are none