Module openj9.dtfj

Class J9ModuleStructureFormatter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class J9ModuleStructureFormatter
    extends BaseStructureFormatter
    Structure Formatter that adds a suffix to the command "!j9module $moduleAddress$" output Example output (suffix part): Module name: java.instrument To display all j9packages exported by a module, use !dumpmoduleexports 0x000001305F46DB38 To display all modules that the target module reads, use !dumpmodulereads 0x000001305F46DB38 To find all modules that read a module, use !findallreads 0x000001305F46DB38 To find all loaded classes in a module, use !dumpallclassesinmodule 0x000001305F46DB38
    • Constructor Detail

      • J9ModuleStructureFormatter

        public J9ModuleStructureFormatter()