Module openj9.dtfj

Class WalkInternTableCommand

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class WalkInternTableCommand
    extends Command
    • Constructor Detail

      • WalkInternTableCommand

        public WalkInternTableCommand()
    • Method Detail

      • run

        public void run​(String command,
                        String[] args,
                        Context context,
                        PrintStream out)
                 throws DDRInteractiveCommandException
        This method is used to run !walkinterntable command.
        command - !walkinterntable
        args - Args passed by command !walkinterntable. !walkinterntable prints the usage if no arg is passed, otherwise it accepts valid integer arg. If the arg is not valid, then user is warned and usage is printed.
        context -
        out - PrintStream is used to print the messages in this class.
        DDRInteractiveCommandException - If there is any problem running the command (incorrect usage, CorruptData etc.)