Module openj9.dtfj

Interface Emulator.ImageSpace

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    Enclosing interface:

    public static interface Emulator.ImageSpace
    This interface represents a mutable address space. It is used by the Emulator to read and write values. It is similar to ImageOutputStreamImpl except that it adds the ability to allocate an area of memory.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean is64bit()
      Return true if this dump is from a 64-bit machine
      long malloc​(int size)
      Allocate a chunk of unused memory.
      int readInt​(long address)
      Read an int at the specified address.
      long readLong​(long address)
      Read a long at the specified address.
      short readShort​(long address)
      Read a short at the specified address.
      int readUnsignedByte​(long address)
      Read a byte at the specified address.
      long readUnsignedInt​(long address)
      Read an unsigned int at the specified address.
      int readUnsignedShort​(long address)
      Read an unsigned short at the specified address.
      void writeByte​(long address, int value)
      Write a byte at the specified address.
      void writeInt​(long address, int value)
      Write an int at the specified address.
      void writeLong​(long address, long value)
      Write a long at the specified address.
      void writeShort​(long address, int value)
      Write a short at the specified address.
    • Method Detail

      • readUnsignedByte

        int readUnsignedByte​(long address)
                      throws IOException
        Read a byte at the specified address.
        IOException - if the given address is not present in this address space
      • readUnsignedShort

        int readUnsignedShort​(long address)
                       throws IOException
        Read an unsigned short at the specified address.
        IOException - if the given address is not present in this address space
      • readShort

        short readShort​(long address)
                 throws IOException
        Read a short at the specified address.
        IOException - if the given address is not present in this address space
      • readInt

        int readInt​(long address)
             throws IOException
        Read an int at the specified address.
        IOException - if the given address is not present in this address space
      • readUnsignedInt

        long readUnsignedInt​(long address)
                      throws IOException
        Read an unsigned int at the specified address.
        IOException - if the given address is not present in this address space
      • readLong

        long readLong​(long address)
               throws IOException
        Read a long at the specified address.
        IOException - if the given address is not present in this address space
      • writeByte

        void writeByte​(long address,
                       int value)
                throws IOException
        Write a byte at the specified address.
        IOException - if the given address is not present in this address space
      • writeShort

        void writeShort​(long address,
                        int value)
                 throws IOException
        Write a short at the specified address.
        IOException - if the given address is not present in this address space
      • writeInt

        void writeInt​(long address,
                      int value)
               throws IOException
        Write an int at the specified address.
        IOException - if the given address is not present in this address space
      • writeLong

        void writeLong​(long address,
                       long value)
                throws IOException
        Write a long at the specified address.
        IOException - if the given address is not present in this address space
      • malloc

        long malloc​(int size)
             throws IOException
        Allocate a chunk of unused memory. This searches the known address ranges and tries to find an unallocated area of the given size. If successful, this area effectively becomes part of this ImageSpace and may be read and written to as normal. This method is used by users of the Emulator for things like allocating stack, arguments etc.
        the address of the allocated memory
      • is64bit

        boolean is64bit()
        Return true if this dump is from a 64-bit machine