Module openj9.dtfj

Class SymbolUtil

  • public class SymbolUtil
    extends Object
    Static utility functions for symbols
    • Constructor Detail

      • SymbolUtil

        public SymbolUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • getProcedureNameForAddress

        protected static String getProcedureNameForAddress​(IProcess process,
                                                           long address,
                                                           boolean dtfjFormat)
                                                    throws DataUnavailableException,
        Formats an address a string that shows the containing module and offset from the nearest symbol in that module. If dtfjFormat is true then symbols taken from internal pointer tables are formatted with fewer internal details. Otherwise those symbols are formatted in a form that includes the ! command needed to format the whole pointer table the symbol came from.
        process - - The process to look the symbol up in.
        address - - The address to lookup.
        dtfjFormat - - Format symbols for dtfj, not ddr.
      • addDDRSymbolToModule

        public static void addDDRSymbolToModule​(IModule module,
                                                String dtfjName,
                                                String ddrName,
                                                long address)
        Provides an interface to add symbols (or address to name mappings) that are found by routes other than reading from the modules themselves.
        module - - The module to add to.
        symbol - - The symbol to add.