Module openj9.dtfj

Class HeapdumpReader

    • Constructor Detail

      • HeapdumpReader

        public HeapdumpReader​(File file,
                              PHDImage image)
                       throws IOException
        Create a new HeapdumpReader object from the given file. The file must be in Phd format. Image must be supplied to allow us to clean up streams when it is closed.
      • HeapdumpReader

        protected HeapdumpReader​(ImageInputStream stream)
                          throws IOException
        Create a new HeapdumpReader object from the given stream. The file must be in Phd format.
      • HeapdumpReader

        protected HeapdumpReader​(String filename)
                          throws IOException
        Create a new HeapdumpReader object from the given file. The file must be in Phd format.
    • Method Detail

      • full_version

        public String full_version()
        Returns the full version for the JVM that created this heapdump.
      • version

        public int version()
        Returns the Phd version number. Recognized values are 4 and 5.
      • is64Bit

        public boolean is64Bit()
        Returns true if this is a 64-bit heap dump.
      • isJ9

        public boolean isJ9()
        Returns true if this is a J9 heap dump.
      • allObjectsHashed

        public boolean allObjectsHashed()
        Returns true all objects in this heap dump will have hashcodes set, regardless of the flags on the record.
      • totalObjects

        public int totalObjects()
        Returns the total number of objects in the dump.
      • totalRefs

        public int totalRefs()
        Returns the total number of references in the dump.
      • exitParse

        public void exitParse()
      • parse

        public boolean parse​(PortableHeapDumpListener listener)
                      throws Exception
        Parse the heapdump. This uses callbacks via the PortableHeapDumpListener interface. Any exceptions that the listener raises are propagated back.
        true if there is more data to parse
      • close

        public void close()
      • releaseResources

        public void releaseResources()
      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)
                         throws IOException
        This method just prints out the following info from the header:
        • is64Bit
        • phd version
        • full version
        • total objects
        • total refs