Module openj9.dtfj

Interface IInputBuffer

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      char charAt​(int i)
      Retrieves a character at a given position.
      void close()
      Closes the or input stream associated with this buffered reader.
      int consume​(int length)
      Consumes a sublength of the buffer, if the sublength is > 0 and sublength <= buffer length.
      boolean endReached()  
      int length()
      NOTE That the length of the buffer may vary during character consumption, so it cannot be assumed to be fixed all the time.
      boolean nextLine()
      Reads the next line if the current buffer is empty.
    • Method Detail

      • consume

        int consume​(int length)
             throws IOException
        Consumes a sublength of the buffer, if the sublength is > 0 and sublength <= buffer length. It then reads from the input source to refill the previously freed spaces.
        amount - of characters to consume.
        return the offset value of the consumed portion. Note that this does not return the new offset after consumption but the offset of the section being consumed.
        IOException - if error occurs while refilling the buffer.
      • close

        void close()
            throws IOException
        Closes the or input stream associated with this buffered reader.
        IOException - if error encountered while closing.
      • charAt

        char charAt​(int i)
        Retrieves a character at a given position. No consumption occurs. Typically used by an external scanner to determine if a sequence of characters in the buffer matches a desired pattern. If so, the pattern is consumed by a consume method.
        buffer - index where character is located
        character at specified index
      • endReached

        boolean endReached()
        boolean: determines if everything has been consumed from the reader stream.
      • nextLine

        boolean nextLine()
                  throws IOException
        Reads the next line if the current buffer is empty. Returns true if a new line read, false otherwise.
      • length

        int length()
        NOTE That the length of the buffer may vary during character consumption, so it cannot be assumed to be fixed all the time.
        the length of the buffer