Module openj9.dtfj

Interface IImageAddressSpaceBuilder

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface IImageAddressSpaceBuilder
    Factory for building an An ImageAddressSpace factory contains various ImageProcess factories, each pertaining to a specific ImageProcess and distinguished by unique ids. In most cases, there will only be one ImageProcess factory associated with one ImageAddressSpace factory.
    • Method Detail

      • getCurrentImageProcessBuilder

        IImageProcessBuilder getCurrentImageProcessBuilder()
        Returns the current image process builder (factory) associated with the image address space factory. Usually, there is only one image process, thus one image process factory. In the event that multiple image processes exist for one image address space, the current image process factory may be the last image process factory generated by the image address space factory.
        current (usually the only) ImageProcess factory. Value must not be null.
      • getImageProcessBuilder

        IImageProcessBuilder getImageProcessBuilder​(String builderID)
        In multiple image process scenarios, each image process is associated with it's own image process factory, and the latter are distinguished by unique id values.
        builderID - unique id of the image process factory
        image process factory if found, or null
      • generateImageProcessBuilder

        IImageProcessBuilder generateImageProcessBuilder​(String id)
                                                  throws BuilderFailureException
        To associate a new image process to the image address space being built by this image address space factory, use this interface to create a new image process factory for the aforementioned image process. At least one image process must exist for an image address space, therefore consequently, at least one image process factory must be created for each image address space factory.
        id - unique id for image process factory to be added to the image address space factory
        generated image process factory
        BuilderFailureException - if error generating image process factory
      • addImageSection

        ImageSection addImageSection​(String name,
                                     long base,
                                     long size)
        Create a new image section with the given name, base address and size and add it to the list in the ImageAddressSpace.