Module openj9.dtfj

Class ImageProcess

    • Method Detail

      • addRuntime

        public void addRuntime​(JavaRuntime vm)
      • setFaultingThreadID

        public void setFaultingThreadID​(long nativeID)
      • setSignalNumber

        public void setSignalNumber​(int signalNumber)
        TODO: REMOVE THIS once there is a reliable way to find signal numbers from ImageThreads on all platforms!
        signalNumber -
      • runtimeExtractionFailed

        public void runtimeExtractionFailed​(Exception e)
        Called if the early extraction of the data from the meta-data and core file failed in some unrecoverable way. If this is called it essentially means that we are stuck in native Image data and can't describe anything from the Java side.
        e - The exception which caused the failure
      • setThreads

        protected void setThreads​(Iterator threads)
      • setCurrentThread

        protected void setCurrentThread​(ImageThread thread)