Constant Field Values


    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final int NT_FILE 1179208773
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    protected static final int NO_KEY -1
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final long WILD_POINTER -4995072469322842385L
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final int LSED1BAKR 12
    public static final int LSED1PC 13
    public static final int LSEDPC 5
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final int SEEK_CUR 1
    public static final int SEEK_END 2
    public static final int SEEK_SET 0
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final byte NOT_AVAILABLE -1
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final long MIN_CORE_SIZE 20971520L
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    protected static final String VERSION "0.95"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final int MEMORY64LIST 9
    public static final int MEMORYINFO 16
    public static final int MISCINFO 15
    public static final int MODULELIST 4
    public static final int SYSTEMINFO 7
    public static final int THREADINFO 17
    public static final int THREADLIST 3
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final String WINDOWS_BUILDNO_PROPERTY ""
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final int MEMORY64LIST 9
    public static final int MEMORYINFO 16
    public static final int MISCINFO 15
    public static final int MODULELIST 4
    public static final int SYSTEMINFO 7
    public static final int THREADINFO 17
    public static final int THREADLIST 3
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final long WILD_POINTER -4995072469322842385L
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final int DATABLOCKSIZE 4096
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final int ACR 23
    public static final int ALTR 27
    public static final int BSG 65
    public static final int CALL 771
    public static final int CLKC 1027
    public static final int CSCH 769
    public static final int DSP 15
    public static final int EMS 259
    public static final int EXT 3
    public static final int HSCH 513
    public static final int IO 11
    public static final int MCH 19
    public static final int MSCH 257
    public static final int PC 33
    public static final int PC64 34
    public static final int PGM 7
    public static final int PR 50
    public static final int PT 49
    public static final int RCVY 29
    public static final int RSCH 1025
    public static final int RST 21
    public static final int SIGA 1281
    public static final int SPER 9
    public static final int SRB 271
    public static final int SS 515
    public static final int SSAR 16
    public static final int SSCH 1
    public static final int SSRB 527
    public static final int SSRV 517
    public static final int SUSP 25
    public static final int SVC 5
    public static final int SVCE 3845
    public static final int SVCR 261
    public static final int TIME 31
    public static final int UNKNOWN 0
    public static final int USR0 127
    public static final int WAIT 3855
    public static final int XSCH 1537
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final int LSED1BAKR 12
    public static final int LSED1PC 13
    public static final int LSEDPC 5
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final int SIZEOF 8
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final int SIZEOF 4
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final int SIZEOF 2
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final int SIZEOF 4
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final int SIZEOF 8
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final int SIZEOF 1
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final long SIZEOF 4L
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final int SIZEOF 2
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final int SIZEOF 4
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final int SIZEOF 8
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final int SIZEOF 1
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final long MASK 65535L
    public static final int SIZEOF 2
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final long MASK 4294967295L
    public static final int SIZEOF 4
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final long MASK -1L
    public static final int SIZEOF 8
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final long MASK 255L
    public static final int SIZEOF 1
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    protected static final int bitsPerBytes 8
    protected static final int bitsPerLong 64
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final long MASK 65535L
    public static final int SIZEOF 2
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final long MASK 4294967295L
    public static final int SIZEOF 4
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final long MASK -1L
    public static final int SIZEOF 8
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final long MASK 255L
    public static final int SIZEOF 1
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final int SIZEOF 0
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final String COMMAND_NAME "heapdump"
    public static final String DESCRIPTION "generates a PHD or classic format heapdump"
    public static final String LONG_DESCRIPTION "Parameters: [heapname+]\n\n\t[heapname+] - space-separated name of heap or heaps to dump. Use \"info heap\" to get the list of heap names. Default: all heaps are dumped.\n\nWrites a heapdump from the memory image.\nThe file name and format are controlled using the \"set heapdump\" command; the current settings can be displayed using \"show heapdump\".\n"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    protected static final String SUB_CMD_FORMAT "%s %s"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    protected static final String longDesc "parameters: none, module name\n\nif no parameters are passed then for each process in the address spaces, outputs a list of module sections for each module with their start and end addresses, names, and sizes\nif a module name is passed then it outputs the above information for that module plus a list of all the known symbols for that module. Module names can be specified with leading or trailing * characters to save specifying full paths or remembering what file extension is used on this platform. e.g. info mod *libzip* info mod * will all modules with sections and symbols."
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final String ARGUMENT_DESCRIPTION "<commandFilePath> [charset]"
    public static final String COMMAND "cmdfile"
    public static final String HELP_DESCRIPTION "To execute all the commands in a file."
    public static final String USAGE "cmdfile\t<commandFilePath> [charset]\tTo execute all the commands in a file.\n Options:\n <commandFilePath> : the path to a file which specifies a series of jdmpview commands. \n These commands are read and run sequentially.\n Empty lines or lines starting with \"//\" or \"#\" will be ignored.\n [charset] : the character set for the commands specified in the command file.\n The character set name must be a supported charset as defined in java.nio.charset.Charset. For example, US-ASCII."
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final String ARGUMENT_DESCRIPTION "[options] <pattern>"
    public static final String COMMAND "grep"
    public static final String COMMAND_NEGATE "grep-"
    public static final String HELP_DESCRIPTION "to be used after the pipeline to show lines which match a pattern."
    public static final String USAGE "grep\t[options] <pattern>\tto be used after the pipeline to show lines which match a pattern.\n Options :\n -i : Ignore case.\n -r, -G, --regex : Use regular expression as defined in the Java documentation of class java.utils.regex.Pattern.\n -b, --block : show the block of lines when at least one of the lines matches the pattern. Block of lines are separated by empty lines.\n -A <NUM>, +<NUM> : Show at most <NUM> lines after the matching line.\n -B <NUM>, -<NUM> : show at most <NUM> lines after the matching line.\n -C <NUM>, +-<NUM> : show at most <NUM> lines before and after the matching line.\n -v, --invert-match : to be used with command grep to show the lines which does not match the pattern, equivalent to using command grep-.\n -F, --fixed-strings : to treat character \'*\' not as a wide card. This option can not be used together with -r, -G or --regex.\n Pattern : \n Character \'*\' in a pattern will be treated as a wild card unless option -F or --fixed-strings is used.\n If a pattern contains any spaces, enclose the pattern in a pair of double quotation marks.\n If a pattern contains any double quotation marks, enclose the pattern in a pair of single quotation marks.\n The pattern can be in the following format to show lines which match any of the sub-patterns:\n \"[<pattern1>|<pattern2>|...|<patternN>]\"\n This format has to start with \"[ and ends with ]\" and use character \'|\' as the sub-pattern separator.\n No quotation marks and character \'|\' are allowed in any sub-patterns.\n Spaces are allowed in the middle of a sub-patterns, but leading and trailing spaces will be trimmed.\n This format only works when option -r, -G, and --regex are not used.\n Use command grep- to show lines which do not match the pattern."
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final String COMMAND "help"
    public static final String COMMAND_FORMAT "%-25s %-20s %s"
    public static final String HELP_DESCRIPTION "to display command help messages"
    public static final String JDMPVIEW_HELP_COMMAND "help"
    public static final String USAGE "help:\tto display command help messages"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final String ARGUMENT_DESCRIPTION "[-r] [N]"
    public static final String COMMAND "history"
    public static final String COMMAND_SHORT "his"
    public static final int DEFAULT_DISPLAY_N 20
    public static final String HELP_DESCRIPTION " If option -r is used, the Nth history command (default to the last one) will be run;\n otherwise, at most N (default 20) history commands will be displayed."
    public static final String USAGE "history|his\t[-r] [N]\n If option -r is used, the Nth history command (default to the last one) will be run;\n otherwise, at most N (default 20) history commands will be displayed."
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final String ARGUMENT_DESCRIPTION "<targetFilePath>"
    public static final String COMMAND_APPEND ">>"
    public static final String COMMAND_OVERWRITE ">"
    public static final String HELP_DESCRIPTION "to be used at the end of a command to redirect messages to a file (overwrite|append)."
    public static final String USAGE ">|>>\t<targetFilePath>\tto be used at the end of a command to redirect messages to a file (overwrite|append)."
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final int END_TYPE 2
    public static final int INVALID_TYPE -1
    public static final int START_TYPE 1
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    protected static final int EXTERNAL 1
    protected static final int INTERNAL 0
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    protected static final String header " Trace Formatted Data "
    public static final boolean SUPPRESS_VERSION_WARNINGS false
    protected static final int traceFormatMajorVersion 1
    protected static final int traceFormatMinorVersion 0
    protected static final String usageMessage "Usage:\ntraceformat input_filespec [output_filespec] \n\t[-summary] [-datdir datfiledirectory] [-uservmid vmid] [-thread:id] [-indent] \n\t[-overridetimezone noOfHours] [-help]\n\nwhere:\n\tinput_filespec = trace file generated by the jvm to be processed\n\toutput_filespec = name of the formatted file - default is\n\t input_filespec.fmt\n\tsummary = print summary information to screen without generating\n\t formatted file\n\n\tdatdir = used when the formatter is used to format a pre 5.0 vm\'s\n\t tracefile. The datfilelocation tells the formatter where to\n\t find the .dat files of the older vm\'s dat files. Default is\n\t current directory, and the .dat files can be safely copied\n\t into the current directory (as long as they don\'t overwrite\n\t the current vm\'s .dat files).\n\tuservmid = users can specify a string to be inserted into each\n\t tracepoint\'s formatted output, to help track and compare\n\t tracefiles from multiple jvm runs.\n\t e.g. traceformat 142trcfile /\n\t -datdir /142sdk/jre/lib\n\tthread = only trace information for the specified thread will \n\t be formatted. Any number of thread IDs can be specified, \n\t separated by commas.\n\toverridetimezone = specify an integer number of hours to be\n\t added to the formatted tracepoints (can be negative).\n\t This option allows the user to override the default time\n\t zone used in the formatter (GMT)\n\t e.g. traceformat 142trcfile /\n\t -overridetimezone -4\n\tindent = specify indentation at Entry/Exit trace points.\n\t Default is not to indent.\n\thelp \t= display this message and stop."
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    protected static final byte APP_TYPE 13
    protected static final byte ASSERT_TYPE 12
    protected static final byte DEBUG_EXCPT_TYPE 9
    protected static final byte DEBUG_TYPE 8
    protected static final byte ENTRY_EXCPT_TYPE 3
    protected static final byte ENTRY_TYPE 2
    protected static final byte ERROR_TYPE 14
    protected static final byte EVENT_TYPE 0
    protected static final byte EXCEPTION_TYPE 1
    protected static final byte EXIT_EXCPT_TYPE 5
    protected static final byte EXIT_TYPE 4
    protected static final byte MEM_EXCPT_TYPE 7
    protected static final byte MEM_TYPE 6
    protected static final byte PERF_EXCPT_TYPE 11
    protected static final byte PERF_TYPE 10
    protected static final String TAB " "
    protected static final int TIMESTAMP_OFFSET 4
    protected static final int TRACEID_OFFSET 1
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final int EXTERNAL_WRAP_SPLIT_TP -2
    public static final int INTERNAL_WRAP_SPLIT_TP -1
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    protected static final int BYTE 1
    protected static final int INT 4
    protected static final int LONG 8
    protected static final String SUM_TAB " "
